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Ecommerce SEO Checklist 2023: Unlock the Secrets

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing Date :
checklist for ecommerce seo

If you’re in the retail field you must understand how sales matter. Low sale volumes mean something is wrong whereas high sale volumes imply that your marketing efforts are paying off. But what do you do when you’re struggling with low sales volumes?

Any website is susceptible to online competition and so are eCommerce sites. How can you rank higher on Google or sell more when there are many merchants perhaps selling the same things? Or how can you sell more even though you have unique products? The secret is in SEO.

SEO or search engine optimization refers to the process of improving a website’s quality in order to help it rank highly on SERPs. SEO involves a series of practices and techniques that offer product pages an added advantage to stand out and get in front of the right eye. If I talk about SEO trends always keeps changing and we have to follow these in our SEO optimization strategy.

Precisely, the more a product page pops up among the top search results, the more it is likely to generate healthy sales. And the opposite is true! Product pages or eCommerce sites that fail to rank well or even make it to the first page of Google suffer losses including low sales.

This piece of content details some of the best SEO practices for eCommerce websites that can help any merchant generate healthy sales. They may sound obvious, but it is important to strategically deploy them on your site if you want to rank higher on Google. 

So let’s dive into it!

1. Perform Keyword Research 

Almost every SEO activity ought, to begin with, keyword research. Keyword research may seem like a typical activity, but it is the cornerstone of performing product pages. The process of keyword research involves looking for search terms that online users enter into a search engine. 

Professional keyword research generally leads to the right keyword identification. An SEO professional will certainly understand keywords that will usher an eCommerce site or product page in front of an individual who is likely to buy.

Keywords and their proper utilization matter a lot because they help a site rank higher in search. Also, besides identifying performing keywords, an SEO professional must look into different realities for example search volume, keyword difficulty, and CPC (cost-per-click).

A high search volume indicates that a keyword is popular among online users and customers. However, high-volume keywords also exhibit high competition. This means that you must strategically use them and ensure that your other SEO techniques are up to the mark. There are many free or paid keyword research tools available that you can use to perform your keyword research.

2. Do some competitor analysis

What do your close competitors rank for and why do they rank highly? These are some of the reasons why SEO professionals perform competitor analysis. Competitor analysis or research is generally a process of identifying, understanding, and evaluating your competitors and their tactics. 

It is meant to serve as a SWOT Analysis to discover your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, to discover the possible threats and opportunities. Besides that, a competitor analysis allows SEO professionals to identify digital marketing trends that can be beneficial to them.

A thoroughly done competitor analysis can also offer insights into why competitor websites rank better. This allows a business or brand to deploy working SEO strategies to rank higher on Google. Therefore, if you want to rank highly and generate more sales, consider competitor analysis as a crucial part of your SEO techniques. 

3. Perform a website audit

Many websites fail to rank highly simply because they lack proper organization and are too cluttered to be understood by Google or online users. A website audit is simply a process of analyzing a website to identify what is working and what isn’t.

It is also a process of assessing how a website is optimized for search engines and online users. It can help you identify website issues and allow you to fix them timely. A website audit can also help an SEO professional check for duplicate versions of the website or analyze its speed.

All you have to do is crawl the website the way Google does it. You can use SEO tools like Google Search Console and Semrush to perform a complete website audit. A website audit will help you solve existing issues and rank higher on Google. 

4. Leverage schema markups 

These are HTML tags that offer additional information about a site’s page content. Schema markups generally convert unstructured data into structured ones. A schema can help Google crawl a website better and this will improve ranking

Leveraging Schema markups also produces rich snippets that can improve overall SEO efforts. There are different types of rich snippets and these include review snippets, product markup snippets, and music snippets. These help online users to find information faster.

On the other hand, there are different types of schemas for example review schemas which enable online reviews, and product schemas which help online shoppers discover new products. 

5. Tap into the power of local SEO

Local SEO is beneficial for all businesses and it can also help eCommerce websites rank higher for healthy sales. This type of SEO refers to the process of optimizing a site or product page for local searches. 

It is one way of boosting online sales and fetching better ROI. Additionally, local SEO cultivates better brand awareness, especially for local online stores. Investing in local SEO requires a business to create a Google My Business account, update relevant business information, and use the right keywords.    

Local SEO efforts can help a site get quality backlinks. It can improve local rankings, yet it can also impact overall SEO results. Some of the best local SEO tactics include creating specific landing pages for each city and also customizing them. This will help offer quality user experience to customers in a given region or those with a different language.

Other considerations include partnering with local influencers and engaging in Quora activities. These tactics can boost local sales and business ROI.  

6. Mind about site structure 

Website user-friendliness and navigation are crucial ranking factors and highly have to do with site structure. Site structure precisely refers to the way a site’s content is organized. A good site structure can boost user experience (UX), and pave way for effortless internal linking, and checkout rate optimization.

A good site structure also shows Google the most important pages of your website. In this way, the search engine is able to find content quickly for online users. Many websites become cluttered as a business grows.

This results from SEO managers’ need to provide pages for each product and other necessities like guidelines and return policies among others. Some of the best ways to consider when it comes to altering your site structure include; 

Improving internal linking structure, making your content skimmable, and removing unwanted pages or content. This will also help website visitors to have a seamless experience on your site.

7. Optimize product pages

Website optimization is a major ranking factor in the SEO realm, however, it takes different forms. One of the fundamental things a website manager must do to generate healthy sales is to optimize product pages.

Product page optimization refers to the process of improving product pages to rank better and to make users purchase more. Optimizing product pages involves many activities and including image optimization and product description optimization.

Website managers can also consider using multiple high-quality product images, relevant keywords, video descriptions, and post views. Include clear CTAs and testimonials. Optimized product pages make it easy for website users to understand your content and this improves conversions. 

8. Optimize your site for mobile

DataReportal reveals that there are over 5.44 billion mobile phone users globally and the number is expected to increase. Many people use mobile devices to access the internet and for different purposes such as shopping, work, and entertainment among others.

Smartphones are easy to use and this presents an opportunity for website managers. Optimizing an eCommerce website for mobile can help improve rankings on Google. More so, it can help an online merchant generate more sales and revenue. Besides that, it increases website traffic organically. 

There are many things that optimize a site for mobile and among them is speed. Online users prefer sites that load within two seconds. Anything more increases bounce rates and this lowers sales.

Generally, making a site user-friendly for mobile users too enhances the performance of marketing KPIs. There will also be a boost in user experience. With that, consider optimizing your site for mobile. 

9. Mind about content quality

Many websites are highly made up of content, but not every content converts. It’s compelling and high-quality content that convinces online users that your website is worth their time. More so, it’s quality content that can improve Google’s EAT.

With that, it’s important to pay attention to content quality. Avoid content mistakes that can affect user experience and conversions. Some of the best content creation tips include writing unique content for your website, minding about content structure, and considering other add-ons like testimonials and reviews.

Also, try to write for your readers. Ask yourself questions like “what would they expect on my site”? How can I align website content needs to keyword optimization? This will help you produce content that can convert website users into buyers. 

10. Don’t forget search intent

Also known as user intent, search intent refers to the purpose of an online search. People have different reasons for using search engines. Whereas some may simply be browsing (navigational), others want to make purchases (transactional). On the other hand, others want to get information about certain products and services (informational intent). 

The different types of search intents can guide a website owner during content creation for example, what to include in the content and the keywords to use. To create content as per user needs, a website owner must research user intent. 

Use tools to understand what online users search for and the search terms they use. This helps to create optimized content that can boost website sales. 

11. Bring in something new 

Websites are the same, but it’s what one chooses to incorporate in a website that makes it stand out. Today there are different ways of making a website unique and likable. Apart from selling quality products, you can choose to leverage UX (user experience). 

Currently, mediums like personalized product recommendations, skin analyzer tools, and VR technology can be used to up a site’s UX. These make a site more interactive and show that a site is up to date. 

Additionally, choose the right template, the perfect typography, and fabulous colors. Also, use stunning images, and videos and include reviews. This help to enhance the user experience of online users and optimizes sales in the long run. 

12. Invest in social media marketing (SMM)

Social media marketing refers to the use of social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest to promote products or build networks. Interestingly, social media use for a business exceeds that. 

Social platforms can help enhance brand awareness, increase organic traffic to an eCommerce site, and conversions. Social media also helps brands to connect with more people. This increases business leads, prospects, and sales. 

Social media marketing efforts can be improved by using social media analytics, following trends, and considerations like hashtags. Whether it’s a new or old website, investing in  social media use can boost eCommerce sales. It can also help build loyal communities that always buy. 

13. Simplify your SEO efforts with tools 

SEO is an ever-evolving digital marketing technique and this requires SEO professionals to stay up to date. However, many SEO practices and activities are simplified with tools. There are currently an array of SEO tools for different purposes. 

In order to generate healthy sales, you can consider using tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Semrush, Moz, and social media analytics. These tools offer relevant data that allows an SEO professional to stay up-to-date and run effective campaigns. 

Besides that, these tools offer insights that can help an SEO professional act proactively. They can be able to analyze website issues, help you fix them, or make informed decisions. These can help improve eCommerce SEO practices for healthy sales.

14. Feature reviews for making informed purchases!

When it comes to feature reviews, I truly believe that they are a powerful tool for driving sales and improving search engine rankings.

If you’re an ecommerce business owner, I highly recommend that you start featuring reviews of your products’ features. Not only will this provide valuable information to your customers and help build trust and confidence in your brand, but it can also have a positive impact on your website’s SEO.

When you’re gathering feature reviews, make sure to encourage your customers to focus on specific features of your products. This will help to provide detailed information that potential customers can use to make informed purchase decisions. Additionally, featuring reviews of your products’ features can help you to stand out from your competitors and differentiate your brand in a crowded market.

Overall, I truly believe that featuring reviews of your product’s features is a strategy that can benefit any ecommerce business. If you’re looking to improve sales and search engine rankings, I highly recommend that you give it a try!

15. Make sure your site is user-friendly to keep your visitors coming back

If you have purchased something online then you know the importance of user experience. As working for a digital marketing agency, I understand that user experience is the key to brand and SEO success. In fact, I believe that this is one of the most critical components of any successful ecommerce SEO strategy.

When your site is user-friendly, it helps to improve the overall user experience for your customers. This can lead to increased engagement, longer visit durations, and ultimately, more sales. Additionally, a user-friendly site can also help to improve your website’s search engine rankings.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to user-friendliness is that your site should be easy to navigate. This means that your menu should be clear and concise, with easy-to-understand categories and subcategories. You should also make sure that your product pages are easy to read and include all the information that your customers need to make informed purchase decisions.

Another important aspect of user-friendliness is site speed. Customers today expect websites to load quickly, and if your site is slow, they may quickly become frustrated and move on to a competitor’s site. To improve site speed, you can consider using a content delivery network (CDN), optimizing images, and minimizing the use of plugins and scripts.

Overall, making sure that your site is user-friendly is an essential component of any ecommerce SEO strategy. By focusing on navigation, readability, and site speed, you can create a positive user experience that will lead to more sales and improved search engine rankings.

16. Don’t forget long-tail keywords: The best way to get better search rankings

As I ongoing working for many SEO clients I know implementing long-tail keywords is very crucial, especially for new brands. If you have just started your online store and want some good results without wasting a couple of months and years then you must think about the long tail keyword. 

One of the most common mistakes that ecommerce businesses make is focusing solely on broad, generic keywords when optimizing their website for search engines. While these keywords may have high search volume, they are also highly competitive, making it difficult to achieve a high ranking in search results.

This is where long-tail keywords come in. Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that are less competitive but still have a significant search volume. By incorporating these keywords into your ecommerce website’s content and product descriptions, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results for relevant queries.

For example, instead of optimizing for a broad keyword like “shoes,” you could optimize for a long-tail keyword like “black leather boots for women.” This keyword is more specific and less competitive, making it easier to rank in search results.

Not only that but using long-tail keywords can also help you to attract more qualified traffic to your website. When potential customers search for specific, long-tail keywords, it is a clear indication that they are looking for something very specific. By optimizing your website for these keywords, you can ensure that you are providing exactly what they are looking for, leading to higher conversion rates and better customer satisfaction.

Overall, don’t forget the power of long-tail keywords when it comes to ecommerce SEO. By incorporating these keywords into your website’s content and product descriptions, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more qualified traffic to your site.

17. Maximizing your website’s SEO potential with a simple URL structure

In my e-commerce SEO checklist for 2023, the key strategy for maximizing your website’s SEO potential is to use a simple URL structure.

When your website’s URLs are simple and easy to understand, it makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages. This can help to improve your website’s search engine rankings, which can in turn drive more traffic and sales.

One of the best ways to create a simple URL structure is to use descriptive and relevant keywords in your URLs. For example, if you sell clothing, you might use URLs like “” or “”. This not only makes it easier for search engines to understand what your pages are about, but it also makes it easier for customers to navigate your website and find the products they’re looking for.

Another important aspect of a simple URL structure is to avoid using too many parameters or special characters. Stick to using hyphens to separate words in your URLs, and avoid using unnecessary parameters like session IDs or tracking codes. This can help to keep your URLs clean and easy to read, which can ultimately have a positive impact on your website’s search engine rankings.

18. Avoid duplicate content and pages that are silent killers of your website’s SEO 

SEO in 2023 is totally based on producing quality content for ranking and driving traffic and sales for a website. If your e-commerce website is having duplicate content and pages then you’re not going to get found on Google SERPs. One of the key strategies that I would like to add to my checklist for e-commerce website SEO is avoiding duplicate content and pages.

Duplicate content can be a silent killer of your website’s SEO. When search engines crawl your site and find duplicate content, it can confuse them and hurt your search rankings. Additionally, having multiple pages with the same content can dilute the relevance of your site and make it harder for search engines to determine what your site is about.

To avoid duplicate content, I recommend conducting a thorough audit of your website and identifying any pages that have similar or identical content. This can include product pages, category pages, and even blog posts. Once you have identified these pages, you can take steps to either remove them or make them more unique.

One way to make your pages more unique is to add additional content or information that is relevant to your audience. This can include detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, or even user-generated content. By adding this additional information, you can make each page on your site more valuable to your audience and more relevant to search engines.

Another strategy for avoiding duplicate content is to use canonical tags. These tags tell search engines which version of a page is the preferred version, and can help to consolidate similar pages into one. Additionally, using canonical tags can help to ensure that your site is not penalized for duplicate content.

Overall, avoiding duplicate content and pages is an essential strategy for ecommerce businesses looking to improve their SEO. By conducting a thorough audit of your site and taking steps to make your pages more unique, you can improve your search rankings, drive more traffic to your site, and ultimately increase sales.

19. Poor page speed on your website pages is highly affecting user experience and SEO

Want to know how to speed up your website? Website speed is one of the most important technical SEO ranking factors in 2023 to provide a seamless and enjoyable user experience for your customers. That’s why I want to emphasize the importance of having fast page speed on your website pages, both for the sake of user experience and for SEO.

When your website pages load slowly, it can be incredibly frustrating for customers. They may become impatient and decide to leave your website, ultimately leading to lost sales and decreased engagement. On the other hand, when your website pages load quickly, customers are more likely to have a positive experience and stay on your website longer.

But it’s not just about user experience. Poor page speed can also have a negative impact on your website’s SEO. Google and other search engines use page speed as a ranking factor, so if your website pages are slow to load, it can negatively impact your search engine rankings.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your website’s page speed. Start by optimizing your images and videos, as large media files can slow down your website. You can also consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve page load times. Additionally, make sure that your website is hosted on a reliable server and that your website’s code is clean and efficient.

By focusing on improving your website’s page speed, you can provide a better user experience for your customers and improve your website’s search engine rankings. Don’t overlook the importance of this critical ecommerce SEO strategy!

20. Quality content matter for E-Commerce

Having over 10+ years of experience in SEO I understand the importance of quality content when it comes to driving sales and improving search engine rankings. While it may be tempting to focus solely on product listings and sales pages, creating high-quality content can have a significant impact on your overall ecommerce strategy.

First and foremost, quality content can help to improve your website’s search engine optimization. By creating content that is relevant, informative, and valuable to your target audience, you can increase the likelihood that your website will appear in search results for relevant keywords and phrases. This can drive more traffic to your website and increase your chances of making sales.

But quality content can do more than just improve your SEO. It can also help to build trust and credibility with your target audience. By providing useful information that goes beyond just product listings, you can establish your brand as an authority in your niche and show potential customers that you are committed to providing value.

When creating content for your ecommerce website, it’s important to keep your target audience in mind. What information are they looking for? What questions do they have about your products or your industry? By creating content that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs and interests, you can create a more engaging and valuable experience for your website visitors.

Overall, I believe that quality content is a critical component of any ecommerce SEO strategy. By creating content that is informative, relevant, and valuable to your target audience, you can improve your search engine rankings, build trust and credibility with potential customers, and ultimately drive more sales. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you start investing in quality content for your ecommerce website today.

21. Link building can transform your eCommerce website’s SEO ranking

I know that ranking well in search engine results is crucial for driving traffic and sales. One strategy that I have found to be particularly effective for improving search engine rankings is link building.

Link building is the practice of getting other websites to link back to your website. When other reputable websites link back to your ecommerce site, it signals to search engines that your website is a valuable resource and deserves to be ranked higher in search results.

Not only can link building help to improve your website’s search engine rankings, but it can also drive more traffic to your site. When people click on links to your website from other sites, it can bring in new potential customers who may not have found your site otherwise.

Of course, link building isn’t something that you can do overnight. It takes time and effort to build relationships with other websites and get them to link back to your site. However, the results can be well worth it in the long run.

If you’re looking to get started with link building for your ecommerce website, there are a few strategies that you can try. One approach is to create valuable, shareable content that other websites will want to link to. This could include blog posts, infographics, or other resources that provide value to your target audience.

Another strategy is to reach out to other websites in your industry and ask them to link back to your site. This can involve building relationships with other business owners, participating in industry forums or communities, or guest posting on other websites.

Overall, link building is an ecommerce SEO strategy that can transform your website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site. If you’re looking to improve your ecommerce SEO, I highly recommend giving link-building a try!

22. Maximizing your website’s SEO potential with XML sitemaps

I know how critical it is to have a strong online presence in the eCommerce industry. Maximizing your website’s SEO potential is crucial for driving traffic and sales, and one strategy that can help you do that is using XML sitemaps.

XML sitemaps are essentially a roadmap for search engines that tells them where to find all of the important pages on your website. By creating an XML sitemap and submitting it to search engines, you can ensure that your website is properly crawled and indexed.

One of the biggest benefits of using XML sitemaps is that they can help you to identify and fix any issues with your website’s structure and navigation. If there are any pages on your website that aren’t being crawled or indexed properly, an XML sitemap can help you to identify those pages and fix any underlying issues.

Additionally, using XML sitemaps can help you to prioritize important pages on your website, such as your product pages or category pages. By including these pages in your XML sitemap, you can ensure that they are being given the appropriate level of priority in search engine rankings.

Overall, if you’re looking to maximize your website’s SEO potential, using XML sitemaps is a strategy that you should definitely consider. By creating a clear and concise roadmap for search engines to follow, you can ensure that your website is being properly crawled and indexed and that your most important pages are being given the appropriate level of priority in search engine rankings.

23. Make social sharing easy to encourage more shares on your website!

As I am doing online purchases regularly, I have learned that making social sharing easy is a powerful strategy for encouraging more shares on my website. By enabling customers to easily share my products and content on social media, I have been able to increase my brand’s reach and drive more traffic to my website.

There are a few ways to make social sharing easy on your ecommerce website. One approach is to include social sharing buttons on your product pages and blog posts. These buttons should be prominently displayed and make it easy for customers to share your content with their social media followers. You can also consider adding social sharing options to your checkout page, to encourage customers to share their purchases with their friends and followers.

Another way to make social sharing easy is to create high-quality content that customers will want to share. This can include blog posts, videos, and infographics that are relevant and informative for your target audience. By creating content that people want to share, you can increase the chances that your brand will be seen by a wider audience.

Overall, making social sharing easy is a simple yet effective ecommerce SEO strategy that can help to drive more traffic to your website and increase your brand’s reach. By providing customers with the tools they need to share your products and content on social media, you can build a loyal following and grow your business over time. So if you’re looking to improve your ecommerce SEO, I highly recommend that you make social sharing a top priority!

FAQ: Ecommerce SEO Checklist 2023

Q. What’s the secret to boosting your ecommerce sales?

A. Boosting ecommerce sales can be achieved through various tactics, such as improving website design, offering high-quality products, and providing excellent customer service. However, one of the most effective ways to boost ecommerce sales is by using ecommerce SEO techniques to improve website visibility and attract more traffic.

Q. Looking for the right keywords for your ecommerce store?

A. Choosing the right keywords for your ecommerce store is crucial for effective SEO. To find the right keywords, start by conducting keyword research to identify high-volume and relevant search terms. Consider using long-tail keywords that are more specific and less competitive. Make sure to include your keywords in product descriptions, titles, and meta tags.

Q. Want to invest in ecommerce SEO, but not sure how much it will cost?

A. The cost of ecommerce SEO services can vary depending on factors such as the size of the ecommerce store, the scope of the SEO project, and the level of competition in the industry. It’s important to work with a reputable SEO agency that can provide a clear breakdown of their pricing and services.

Q. How does ecommerce SEO differ from traditional SEO?

A. Ecommerce SEO is a specialized form of SEO that is focused on optimizing online stores for search engines. Unlike traditional SEO, ecommerce SEO involves optimizing product pages, managing inventory, and improving user experience. It also requires a deep understanding of ecommerce platforms and technologies, as well as a knowledge of ecommerce industry trends and best practices.

Does SEO Matter for Your eCommerce Website?

The competition in the online world continues to soar as every business leverages several tactics to grow its online presence. This affects brand awareness, conversion rates, and sales. This post covers some of the best ways an SEO professional can consider to rank a site higher on Google. They will not only offer a competitive advantage but will also improve sales rates and brand awareness.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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