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Application Development with Python: Why Is It an Important Programming Language?

by : deepak-chauhan Category : Technology,Website Date :
Application Development with Python

Handling application development with Python is one of the areas with the highest labor demand. If you’re looking for a tech career with a future, this is a great way to start.

Here we explain it to you!

What is Python?

Python is a programming language that is very easy to access and understand.

It allows you to work on app development and a very valuable set of coding skills that are highly sought after by all types of businesses.

Among these companies that use Python extensively are Google, Facebook, Uber, Netflix, DropBox, and Youtube. In the financial sector, it is a key language for banking or fintech applications such as Paypal.

Why is a Language so Important?

Learning this language is ideal for those who are new to technology and want to pursue a career with a broad field of work and independence.

It allows mastering data analysis, creating reliable applications for companies, automating processes, and even building infrastructures for video games or augmented reality.

If you want to offer maintenance services, start a business, or work as an IT technical support, this is an excellent way to professionalize yourself and carve out a future for yourself without so much waiting.

There are many things you can do once you master Python!

What salary can you earn if you master Python?

Did you know that Python is one of the most lucrative programming languages?

Well, the demand for developers in this computer tool is not only growing daily. It is also one of the jobs where you can earn a high salary without having as much experience.

According to Indeed, one of the world’s leading job search engines, if you are a Python Developer you can earn an average salary of $114,447 per year in the United States.

According to the same source, this is USD$6,056 more than the $108,391 that was offered as the average salary in 2019 for the same position.

So its evolution in the labor and salary scale is incredible.

How was Python born?

The popularity of this programming language has grown in the last 10 years, although it was actually born in December 1989. It was the idea of ​​Guido Van Rossum, an employee of a Dutch research center.

Van Rossum started it all as a hobby. His goal was to improve the ABC programming language in which he had participated.

Given his admiration for the British comedians of the Monty Python group, he took part of the name as inspiration and then built an easy-to-learn computer language.

Over the years, advances in hardware technologies popularized and boosted this language, which improved thanks to the expansion of:

  • big data;
  • Artificial intelligence (AI);
  • Data science (or data science );
  • machine learning ;
  • And deep learning.

Advantages of the Python programming language

The largest businesses in the world use Python, and for good reason. Pixar uses it to create movies, Google uses it to crawl pages, Netflix uses it to provide content, and Spotify uses it to suggest music. The language has a number of benefits that make studying it worthwhile:

1. Simplicity

One of the aspects of Python that draws new users to this scripting language is its simple and straightforward syntax. From certain angles, it would appear inevitable and predetermined that Python will become the de facto coding language, rendering all of its rivals obsolete. Its code is straightforward to comprehend, distribute, and maintain. There is no verbosity in the language, making it easy to learn.

2. A powerful toolbox

Python programmes are developed in a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) and are essentially text files with instructions for the interpreter. In-built tools like grammar checks, debuggers, and code browsers are available in IDEs, which are fully featured. Text editors typically do not include IDE capabilities, but they may be modified. A wide variety of third-party packages, modules, and frameworks are also available for Python, which makes the development process easier. Because of its ability to be optimised, Python is ideal for complex applications.

3. Development speed

Here, we refer to the time-to-market measure and business speed. Python is a dynamic programming language, making it less suitable for creating entire programmes than it is for connecting various parts. The interfaces between components and scripts are well specified, and components are created to be reusable. Python becomes more efficient and succinct as a result, accelerating the pace at which software is developed.

4. Flexibility

Python still maintains flexibility even though it prioritizes readability and simplicity of code over versatility. Python may be used in a variety of tasks. It gives programmers the option of procedural or object-oriented programming. Python offers data type flexibility as well. Every sub-data type has a corresponding root type, and there are 5 of them: Number, String, List, Tuple, and Dictionary. As a result, Python’s adaptability makes conducting exploratory data analysis simpler.

5. Portability

Python was built with portability in mind. Any current computer OS may run its programmes. Python scripts are interpreted because of the high-level nature of the language, therefore they may be written for further interpretation on Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX without the need for modifications. Portable GUI implementation is also possible with Python apps.

6. A strong community

Python is an example of a robust community that has a user base that is continually expanding. Pythonists, are the tens of thousands of people who contribute to Python’s robust toolkit. Nearly 200,000 user-uploaded bespoke software packages have already been recorded in an online repository. All it suggests is that the hugely encouraging community is both the cause of and a result of the language’s popularity.

Top 7 Practical Applications of Python

1. Operating Systems

The strong Python standard library makes it ideal for creating whole operating systems. Large projects may be managed with ease thanks to the language’s object-oriented nature. Python may be used to create native Windows and Mac computer programmes and is compatible with the majority of operating systems.

2. Web and Internet Development

Python provides a number of options for challenging web development projects. The primary languages used to create an application’s front end are HTML and JavaScript. But server-side functionality for websites and services like Spotify, Reddit, and Mozilla is handled by Python-based web frameworks like Django, Pyramid, and Flask. Python is a major component of the infrastructure used by huge platforms like Google and YouTube.

Numerous Internet protocols, including HTML and XML, JSON, email processing, FTP, and IMAP, are supported by the Python standard library.

3. Game Development

Python provides a wide range of tools and frameworks for game creation, much like it does for web development. Would you imagine that Python was used in the creation of Battlefield 2, one of the most well-known shooting games of the early 2000s?

The libraries used to create 2D and 3D games in Python are PyGame, Pycap, Panda#D, Construct, PySoy, and PyOpenGL.

Popular games including the Sims 4, World of Tanks, Eve Online, Mount & Blade, Doki Doki Literature Club, and Disney’s Toontown Online have all been created using Python.

4. Scientific and Numeric Computing

Numerous tools and modules are available in the Python environment to aid scientists and researchers in scientific and numerical computing.

  • SciPy is a collection of packages for science, math, and engineering.
  • Pandas is a library used for modeling and data analysis.
  • FreeCAD and Abaqus are practical numerical and scientific programs created using Python. IPython is a powerful interactive shell that enables hassle-free editing, recording of a work session, and aids in visualizing and parallel computing.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, the two buzzwords of the decade, are primarily concerned with logic, code, and algorithms. Python is rapidly being utilized, along with a few other programming languages, to create AI and ML-powered products.

Python is the best programming language for operating AI and ML systems because of its breadth, power, stability, and security.

  • Scikit – Learn, a library for creating various machine learning models
  • SciPy – a library for scientific and technical computing, are two crucial libraries for the task.
  • Pandas – for data analysis and manipulation;
  • TensorFlow – for cutting-edge neural networks;
  • Keras – for synthetic neural networks

6. Desktop GUI

Programming desktop GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) is a great fit for Python. The language gives programmers a wide range of choices for creating a fully complete GUI. The Python framework’s extensive syntax and modular programming style contribute to the development of a very quick and responsive GUI.

PyQt, Tkinter, wxWidgets, Python GTK+, and Kivy are some popular Python GUI development tools. Python serves as the primary language for creating common programmes like Dropbox and BitTorrent.

7. Business Applications

Creating ERP and e-commerce systems is another use for Python. Because they provide a limited number of particular functions as opposed to a wide range of characteristics, business apps differ from ordinary consumer software. Additionally, they aim for a closely knit user community, often an organization.

Python is ideal for providing the highest-performing bespoke solutions for both commercial and consumer applications.

Odoo is a versatile management tool that provides a wide range of commercial apps that together make up a full set of enterprise management applications.

A three-tier, high-level application platform for broad use is called Tryton.

How to learn Python?

Learning about application development with Python can open many doors for you as a freelance programmer or working for others.

Now, like all technical learning, it is important that you train with experts and that you become professionally certified. You have intensive camps, courses, diplomas, and certifications.

To master the basic algorithms and dive right in, look for high-quality academic courses, with support for your classes and taught by qualified instructors.

And if they offer you a serious online community to support you in developing applications with Python, all the better!

Python is one of the computer languages in the tech sector that is expanding the quickest

Today’s IT business requires programmers to master languages with good built-in features that can hasten the development of their apps. Additionally, the language must promote the development of the community and be simple to learn. Therefore, the majority of programmers, coders, and developers have begun adopting the Python programming language as a result of these features.

Python is the greatest programming language in the computer sector for a number of reasons. The Python programming language has applications in businesses and sectors that the majority of you are acquainted with, from machine learning to web development.

It is an interpreter, object-oriented, high-level programming language used by software engineers, mathematicians, data analysts, scientists, students, and other professionals. It is also one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world.

Here are a few of the main justifications for why Python is among the greatest programming languages in the world

1. Python is Easy to Learn and Use

Beginners and those new to the field will find Python to be exceedingly simple to learn and utilize. The language is the most accessible because it has the simplest syntax of any programming language now in use and emphasizes natural language more than any other. Python may be used and learned quickly, making it possible to write and run routines considerably more quickly than with other programming languages. Python’s popularity has increased dramatically in part because of how easy it is to understand and write its code, making it accessible to both experts and amateur programmers alike.

2. Python is Handy for Web Development Purposes

Expert professional web developers claim that Python is one of the most practical programming languages available. The pace of a single project multiplies due to the availability of its wide variety of apps with built-in solutions to common web development jobs.

3. The Language is Extensively used in Data Science

Data will always be a part of the IT sector, no matter what path you take. Python is currently widely used in data science. To manage sophisticated technologies for data analytics, specialists must understand programming languages like Python since the amount of data created by data analytics tools is growing every day. To take advantage of the most cutting-edge technology, data professionals must also keep up with the most recent technological advancements in the sector.

4. Has Multiple Libraries and Frameworks

Python is very well-liked because it offers developers access to hundreds of different libraries and frameworks. The time savings provided by these libraries and frameworks increase the utility of the language. NumPy, SciPy, Django, and other libraries that are used for various things are some of the most well-liked ones that are accessible in Python.

5. Python can be used in ML tool

For research objectives including big data and machine learning, Python is employed to advance advancement in such domains. In addition to data science, Python is also employed in robotics and other areas of technological progress and is quite helpful in the AI field.

6. Python for Academics

Language is becoming an essential component of curricula in colleges and universities. This is due to Python’s popularity with the numerous use cases in data science, AI, deep learning, and other fields. Additionally, it is essential for schools and institutions to include language in their curricula given the large number of students who want to pursue professions in technology.

7. Has a Highly Supportive Community

Since it is one of the oldest and most widely used programming languages. Consequently, it had the opportunity to establish a strong, developing community of programmers, developers, and coders. Because of this assistance, Python students may simply acquire the skills needed by the business and can receive the proper instruction.

8. Flexibility and Reliability

Python is a versatile language that gives programmers plenty of time to try out novel things. Python specialists will endeavor to create new procedures, technologies, or applications rather than simply sticking to the status quo. It gives developers the freedom and flexibility they need to focus on learning a single language and make the most of their abilities.

9. Python Automates Tasks

Many industrial activities that call for several tools and modules can be automated with the aid of the Python language. It is astounding to learn that with only the essential Python programmes, one may quickly achieve a high degree of automation. The language is regarded as a performance enhancer in software testing automation. For automation tools, the developers just need to create a little amount of code.

10. The First-choice always

Many students and programmers throughout the world favor Python. Due to Python’s extensive use cases in business, many students studying data science and development look forward to learning the language. Thus, Python offers both novices and students a variety of job options.

How VOCSO can help?

VOCSO is a top Python web development company that offers Python web and app development services. Our team of skilled developers can help you create custom web applications, mobile applications, and websites using this versatile language. Python is known for its ease of use and readability, making it a great choice for web development.

Looking for Python Development Services? Our experienced Python development team has 3+ years of experience and can handle projects of any size and complexity. We offer competitive rates and our quality is unmatched. Contact us today to get started on your next project!

We’re also offering dedicated resources for hiring to help companies with their staffing needs. VOCSO’s team of experts have a proven track record of helping companies hire great talent. With our deep knowledge of the web and mobile app development landscape, we are well-positioned to help companies find the right candidates for their open positions.

We also provide dedicated resources for hire:


Python is an important programming language for application development for a number of reasons. It is easy to learn and use, it is open source, and it has a large community of developers who can help you if you get stuck. Python is also versatile, which means that it can be used for developing a wide range of applications. Whether you want to develop a web app, a desktop app, or even a mobile app, Python is worth considering as your programming language of choice.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan I am a technology strategist at VOCSO with 20 years of experience in full-stack development. Specializing in Python, the MERN stack, Node.js, and Next.js, I architect scalable, high-performance applications and custom solutions. I excel at transforming ideas into innovative digital products that drive business success.

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