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Private Blog Networks (PBNs): Key Insights for 2023

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing Date :
Private Blog Networks

It’s no secret that obtaining new backlinks grows more difficult with each passing year. What is most important, however, is that the backlinks be of high quality and add the highest value to your site. Otherwise, what’s the use of acquiring them? According to some research, backlinks placed within an article on a closely related topic are the most useful. As a consequence, many people wonder where they might get such backlinks.

In this post, we will look into one of the most successful strategies for obtaining a high-quality effective backlink mass — development of a private blog network (PBN). Multiple experiments demonstrate that PBNs work extremely effectively. They give you complete control over your backlinks and the entire link development process. The quality of the domains on which the PBN sites are housed determines the outcome. 

What exactly is a PBN network?

A Private Blog Network is a private closed network made up of many sites. They all point to a promoted resource that is hidden from search engines. In the case of the latter, the scenario is as follows: there are several sites with some information, indexed pages, and dispersed outbound connections. And there are no indicators that they are linked. The main task of the optimizer is to keep the search engine from disclosing who controls the network of sites.

Main drawbacks of the PBN 

  • Construction complexity;
  • Time investment;
  • Risk of being penalized;
  • Financial investment required.

Advantages of a Closed PBN 

  • Donors are totally consistent with your site’s theme;
  • Each satellite site and the link leading from it are subject to you;
  • Links to your site from high-performing resources;
  • The ability to alter and add information, and links on any satellite at any moment;
  • Maximum weight transfer from sources to a promoted resource.

How Many Links Should Be in Your PBN?

There is no limit to having links from PBNs. However, you must think about the relevancy and quality of the website when creating links in your PBN. The more links from reliable sites point to your site, the better. You construct a network of regulated sources using PBN. However, you should be ready that building link mass from trustworthy sources is a time-consuming and expensive operation. But as you own the satellites, you have total control over the incoming link mass.

How many sites do you need for a private blog network to work?

There is also no limit to how many sites you’re managing in your PBNs. It totally depends on your time, money, and resources. Make sure your sites follow quality guidelines and do not violate Google quality standards. If you manage quality then surely links from PBN can boost your rank.

It is said that in order to create a successful Private Blog Network (PBN), one must have multiple sites. The number of sites, however, is not as important as the quality of those sites. All of the sites in a PBN must follow quality guidelines in order to avoid violating Google’s quality standards. If all of the sites are managed well and maintain a high level of quality, then the links from the PBN can help boost rankings.

If you don’t have any ideas about PBN setup, then you can get PBN setup services from reputed agencies like HighRoller.

Let’s look at what appropriate PBN creation entails and how new donor sites look. They are traditionally classified into three categories:

  1. Buying a finished site
  2. Domain name recovery
  3. Registration of a mini-site on a famous portal

All three strategies are safe to utilize in SEO marketing. They differ primarily in the manner in which PBN is built and the budget. So let’s take a closer look at each option.

Buying A Finished Site

Assume the network has a certain resource with some “standard” search engine signs. For whatever reason, the owner wants to sell it and expresses one’s desire on the forum or elsewhere. You purchase this website, redesign it for yourself, and, of course, include a link to the required page. Of course, the site should be free of filters and penalties. 

All verification processes will take several days, following which you will be able to determine whether the site is worth purchasing. If it is missing or only partially there, you have most certainly been caught by fraudsters who will take away access quickly after payment. Change your passwords, contact information, and postal address once you have complete access to the admin panel. Change the text and existing outgoing links. Include one link to the advertised site and another to the major trust portal. It is preferable to purchase at least 2-3 predetermined donor sites per month.

Domain Name Recovery

Sometimes the proprietors of some websites stop conducting Internet operations, fail to renew a domain name, or for a variety of other reasons, no longer control it. Your mission is to find and obtain such domains. What to do next? Register each restored domain. There can be no more than 10 such sites in a single registrant. However, each hosting should have its own; otherwise, the search engine will detect your network rapidly. After all, your main task is to allow the ownership of all donors to a single owner to be somehow understood.

Hosting may be paid for at the most basic level for 1.5-2.5 dollars per year. Install CMS systems that are distinct from one another on each site. Then proceed as normal while building the site: install regular plugins, themes, and structures. To do so, first, prepare a basic semantic core.

Registration of a Mini-Site on a Famous Portal

This is the simplest and the most budget-friendly approach to building a PBN. It essentially entails creating a mini-site or blog on a major well-known portal. You may also utilize free site builders, which are easily found on the web. Once you find the solution that works best for your project, you should perform the below:

  • Alter the subject;
  • Complete the profile with your details;
  • Collect a thematic semantic core and add content to the site along with a link to a promoted resource.

It is recommended to register at least 10 such sites every month for favorable dynamics. In any instance, prioritize the quality of content over the quantity of the websites that you get. 

If we own multiple sites that link to each other, is that a PBN?

Yes, it is possible to have a successful PBN made up of multiple websites that link to each other. However, it is important to note that each website in the network must be high quality and provide value to users. Additionally, the link between the websites should appear natural and not forced. If done correctly, a PBN made up of multiple websites can be an effective way to build links and improve search engine rankings.

What to do if your website has links from PBNs

If you’re not familiar with the term, a PBN is a Private Blog Network. A PBN is a group of websites that are all controlled by the same person or organization. The purpose of a PBN is to create backlinks to a money site (a site that you want to rank higher in the search engines).

When done correctly, a PBN can be an extremely powerful tool for boosting your website’s ranking. However, if you have links from low-quality PBNs, it can actually hurt your website’s ranking. That’s why it’s important to only get links from high-quality PBNs.

If you’re not sure whether or not your website has links from PBNs, you can use a tool like Ahrefs or Majestic to check. Just enter your website’s URL and they will show you all of the backlinks pointing to your site. If any of those backlinks are from PBNs, you’ll need to take action.

There are two main options for dealing with links from low-quality PBNs:

1) Remove the links manually or using backlinks removal tools

2) Disavow the links using Google’s disavow tool

If you choose option 1, you’ll need to contact the webmaster of each site that’s linking to you and ask them to remove the link. This can be time-consuming, but it’s often effective.

If you choose option 2, then you can take the help of the backlink removal tool from Google. 

Why should you care that your website has links from PBNs?

If you care about the quality of your website’s links, then you should care that your website has links from PBNs. PBNs, or Private Blog Networks, are a popular link-building tactic used by black hat SEOs to artificially inflate a website’s link profile. While links from PBNs can temporarily boost a website’s rankings in search engines, they are typically low-quality and can get your website penalized by Google. Therefore, if you see links from PBNs pointing to your website, it’s best to disavow them or remove them if possible.

How to tell if your website is linked to a PBN?

If you’re not sure whether or not your website has links from a PBN, there are a few things you can do to check. First, take a look at the backlinks pointing to your site using a tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer or Google Search Console. If you see a lot of links coming from the same few domains, that’s a good indicator that your site may be linked to from a PBN.

Another way to tell if your site is linked to from a PBN is to look at the anchor text of the backlinks. If you see a lot of exact matches or keyword-rich anchor text, that’s another indication that the links are coming from a PBN.

If you believe your site may have links from a PBN, the best thing to do is reach out to the site owner and ask them to remove the links. If they don’t respond or refuse to remove the links, then your next step is to disavow the links using Google’s disavow tool.

What to do if you find out your website has links from a PBN?

If you are unfortunate enough to discover that your website has links from a PBN, there are some steps you can take to try and mitigate the damage.

1. The first thing you should do is assess the situation and determine how many of your links are from the PBN. If it is a small number, you may be able to simply remove the links yourself. However, if the number of links is significant, you will need to take further action.

2. Once you have determined the extent of the problem, you should reach out to the site owner of the PBN and request that they remove any links pointing to your site. In many cases, they will be happy to comply as they do not want their PBN to be associated with a spammy or low-quality site.

3. If the site owner does not respond or refuses to remove the links, your next step should be to contact Google and request a manual review of your site. This process can sometimes be lengthy, but it is worth it if it means getting the bad links removed.

4. Finally, if all else fails, you can always try and disavow the links yourself using Google’s disavow tool. This should only be used as a last resort, as it can sometimes do more harm than good if not done properly.

Wrapping up

Closed PBN networks are used to generate a large number of external links and promote a single project through SEO. To build a single network, three options are available:

  1. Buying a finished site;
  2. Domain name recovery;
  3. Registration of a mini-site on a famous portal.

Your primary aim is to guarantee that search engines, as well as actual site visitors, have no concerns about the existence of a network. The sites should have fascinating material, but they should all link to the same resource and include a link to sites with higher authority. Only in this situation can you expect outstanding results and get the most out of using PBNs in your backlinking plan.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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