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How to Turn Your Content Into a Back-Link Magnet

by : deepak-chauhan Category : Marketing,SEO Glossary Date :

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Turning your content into Link Magnet is something more effective to bring results. Let’s see how to turn your content into a Link magnet.

My fellow digital marketers and business owners would agree with the fact that “Content is king,” and “Quality Content is the key factor of ranking your website.” Based on this belief, everyone is just trying to flood their blog with new pieces of content. However, the majority of these content is buried down and people are hardly able to find these a few months or year down the line.

Getting interested users to find your content, and having a steady flow of traffic to your piece of content is essential if you are to say your investment in the content has a positive ROI. Google and other search engines use the backlinks as important metrics to determine how useful your content is before they can push your page higher in SERPs.

So how do we get to the point where we can gain a lot of backlinks to your new your existing piece of content? As we’ve learned, backlinks are a vote to your page. The more you have, the better it’s chances of being perceived as important by search engines. How do you write your content that is link-worthy or backlink-magnet? Today let’s explore the top 10 best data-proven strategies of turning your content to a link worthy one.

1. Research-based data and insights

I have seen people looking for readymade content for their blog topic and prefer to link to their blog as a source but its something unreliable if there are no proven facts for the things they have highlighted in the blog topic. Most of them fail to perform in-depth research on the blog content as it can take plenty of time to complete it.

If you need your content to get through the Organic Search results, then you should examine several factors that are required for a blog.

SEO Statistics

For eg, if you are writing a blog on Actionable Search Ranking Advice, you should know who is your target audience is, the top marketing trends on the topic you are going to write, different survey results, and more. If you are a person who has years of experience in the niche, then you can make use of them to deliver the good and bad that you experienced, make it as a case study and provide the same to your audience for better visibility. In this case, many of them prefer to link to your blog, which is an added advantage.

2. The right content for your niche with useful compilations

Link building techniques content varies niches to niche. Things that work for design and technology will not bring results in marketing and business. When you build links for a site, you should know whether the content you choose for link building will work out on a niche.

Content for your Niche

Let’s say, you are going to create content on SEO Trends, then you need to make sure the topic you choose under the blog holds information about SEO strategies,Tactics, results obtained for each set trends, their benefits and more. Similarly, you need to know what type of SEO trends blog topic worked well on the Organic Search results before proceeding for the content, so that you will be able to develop a quality content strategy and attain high visibility.

3. Make the audience stay at your page

You create content for your business, it does not mean that it should be a sort of legal or formal paper. If so, no readers will prefer your blog as they will not be able to understand anything clearly. Readers love content that is so entertaining as well as informative. A friendly tone article grabs more users than content written like an essay with your business advantages.

(Source: HubSpot )

For eg, you are writing an article on SEO, make sure you take the article in an interacting way with the readers. You should make them answer the questions you have asked in the blog. Examine the new factors to cover in SEO topic, highlight the important information, survey, use cases, experiences, your emotions and more to make readers more exciting on the subject.

Prakash Laser Case Study-min

4. The role of influencers in your blog

Ego Bait, the latest link-bait content to gain more visibility on the search engines. Yeah, this may be an interview of your industry influencer or expert or a simple roundup blog of opinion on specific industry facts, etc. See an example blog on how to boost you domain authority fast.

domain authority tips from experts

For example, in the case of SEO, there are a lot of influencers like Rand Fishkin, Danny Sullivan, Barry Schwartz, Matt Cutts, Neil Patel, etc. Try if you can arrange an interview with them about the recent trends or any other updates happening on SEO. As they are authoritative, you are assured for quality backlinks from their followers when they share the interview blog on social media.

Few influencers will have no time to provide a lengthy interview, in this case, you can ask them to share a few tips on the latest updates and organize them in your blog for high visibility.

5. Blog or Media?

Grabbing quality backlinks from social media will be more effective. People prefer to choose an image or video content rather than reading a complete 1000 words or 3000 words article. News Bait is what you need in your content to get quality backlinks from the online social media.

(Source: MilesWeb)

In this case, an Infographics can help you out. You can just list down the essential content of the topic through image and highlighted points. It will be most preferred by the people, and there is also a high chance of sharing them along their social media circles.

6. The fantasy of data

Visualizing your content means driving hundreds and thousands of backlinks to your website. Try out Infographics with good graphics, or make interacting videos to attract people to stay and watch, go with the thought-provoking quotations, present charts along with survey results, and all other essential information needed to make it impressive and informative to attain quality backlinks and visibility.

importance of marketing 2019

7. An evergreen content

Newsjacking can help you in offering online visibility when you have the material in the headlines. What can you do to make your content visible in the organic results for a longer term? Evergreen content will be the most preferred to be linked as it stays for an extended time. Make sure to choose articles in the way of educating people like guides so that they remain forever.

create evergreen content

For example “How to Setup Your eCommerce Website with Shopify in a Day” drives us a constant flow of traffic.

If you feel your visibility is low, you can update the articles regularly and boost traffic. Google loves fresh content so updating new content to your blog help Google to pick your article back to the organic results.

8. Fresh and unique piece of content

Following your competitors is good but choosing the same content for your website does not make any sense. You can prefer to visit Facebook Groups, Quora, Forums, Google Trends, Twitter trends & Google News, and other places where your niche audience look for their solutions to explore the topic. One last but important is stay on top of latest industry news and updates. Read 9 effective ways to find trending topic ideas for your blog.

Fresh and Unique Piece of Content

Writing a topic that your targeted audience is looking for will help in gaining more visibility on the SERP’s. Cover the subject that is not covered by your competitors to beat them. Choose an issue from the audience and make it them more interactively so that they get the solution to the problem quickly. Once you have completed, you can make use of the links to the sites where your target audiences are looking for the answer to it.

9. A free but important advice/solution to a problem

Bloggers especially share both free and paid items if is an essential requirement in their content. It is so good because there are high chances that a freebie looking at this can bookmark your page or share it along the social circles or feature in different compilations with link attribution.

A free but important advice solution to a problem

Some of them may use your article link to indicate in their product reviews too, which might be an additional advantage of attaining quality backlinks and visibility.

10. Try every piece of strategies

Make sure you are creating content in all type of content market in the form of podcast, e-book, webinars, infographics, videos and more so that there is a high chance for the broader audiences to link to your article. Apart from that, you can include experts and influencers quotes into the content for attaining more backlinks to your site.

Try every piece of strategies

For, eg, if you are writing about SEO, you can make use of the quotes they have used in an interview or in their site in your content to grab followers and quality traffic. It is also a powerful way as they are more authoritative in their niches.


The above free effective and powerful practices can bring you more traffic, backlinks, and visibility on SERP’s. If you need more valuable results, then you can try free promotions which will gain you more backlinks and clarity than the above ones. This type of things will undoubtedly be an added benefit for both of the parties.

Any other practices that can turn your content into Link Magnet? Let us know!

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan I am a technology strategist at VOCSO with 20 years of experience in full-stack development. Specializing in Python, the MERN stack, Node.js, and Next.js, I architect scalable, high-performance applications and custom solutions. I excel at transforming ideas into innovative digital products that drive business success.

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