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How to Find Long Tail Keywords?

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing,SEO Glossary Date :
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The most important thing of an engaging website is content which is provided for the users to interact and get influenced by it. Content generation is not an easy task to perform because it is concluded with a combination of a lot of different things which are often very hard to accomplish.

Keywords are said to be the soul of the whole content because they are the main reason through which the search engine recognize the content of your webpage and show them in the search result according to the ranking of your site. Keyword research is not a piece of cake as it requires a mixture of skill and actual knowledge about the keyword research.

There are several methods to accomplish this task, but only some of them are truly helpful in finding the right type of keywords. In this article, we will provide you with two of the best and the most rarely used or often called as the Untapped Long Tail Keyword Research Methods in the market which can assist you in gaining the best and most useful long tail keywords in the market.

As a business, it’s important to understand your industry and the keywords that are associated with it. This will help you when creating content, targeting ads, SEO ranking, and overall optimizing your site. There are also many different keyword research tools available that can help you to find long tail keywords.

We will also tell you about the specific small tactics and tips which you could use to get ahead of the curve while doing the keyword research from the best long tail keyword research methods which are known to a very few people in the market and they practice it.

So, without much ado, we will provide you with the information of the best and rarely used or Untapped Long Tail Keyword Research Methods in the market of which very few people know off and are useful in completing the required skill.

What are long-tail keywords?

Ever wonder what long-tail keywords are? If you’re not sure, don’t worry! Here’s a quick explanation. Long-tail keywords refer to those with low search volumes and nothing else unusual or special about them. For example: “professional SEO company in Australia?” is one such keyword that would fit the description of a long tail keyword because it has relatively low volume searches per month compared to other popular terms like “SEO” or even more specific ones like “SEO company” which have much longer lists as far as related search results go on Google.

Long tail keywords are phrases that might not get searched for all the time and therefore aren’t as competitive. Some companies use them in an attempt to rank on page one since these pages will receive so many fewer clicks than those ranked higher up due to their lower position on result lists – meaning there’s much less competition too. Surprisingly enough though, despite what some may believe about their conversion rates (which often vary), depending largely on who your target is.

What is a long tail in keyword research?

In the digital age, with companies trying to cut down on costs and maximize profits, it’s important for businesses to find ways they can successfully attract customers without paying through the nose. Long tail keywords are a great way of doing just that by targeting niche demographics – people who may not be browsing your website at all because you don’t have what they’re looking for. With long tail keywords in place, you’ll also enjoy an increase in high-quality traffic which is more likely to lead conversions than generic terms would do instead!

What is the benefit of using long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are a great way to be able to rank better and easier than short-tail keywords. They account for 70% of all searches, so if you’re not using them in your strategy then you are really missing quality traffic to your web pages. Businesses can benefit if they are focusing on them because they give that opportunity to drive quality traffic that converts.

Why are Long Tail Keywords Important For SEO?

So, why are long tail keywords important for SEO ranking? Long tails aren’t that competitive. Long tailed keywords, when it comes to the search engine optimization process, do not have a lot of competition. The shorter head terms such as “SEO” and “Marketing,” which often see high volumes of web pages competing with them on Google’s SERP listings or other search engines like Bing! Such broad terms can be much more difficult to rank because there are so many people who want those short phrases in order to get ranked at all. This gives you an edge if your business doesn’t need lots of traffic but just wants targeted leads from specific areas within their market niche.

How to Find/Research/Analysis Long Tail Keywords

So you want to know how to find long tail keywords? I’m going to give you a few tips that will help. Long tail keywords are more specific and usually have less competition. In other words, they’re easier to rank for in Google Search results pages (SERPs). Here are some steps for finding them:

1. Google “Searches Related to…”

Well, Google has a great option called “Searches Related To” that helps you identify the phrases your customers are searching for. See the examples below for the related searches of keywords “web design packages”:

Google “Searches Related to…

When we scroll down in google’s search results there is an area on the bottom left side titled Searches related to which lists all types searches people may be looking up and can give insight into what terms they could use as well.

2. Answer The Public Tool

Answer The Public is a keyword research tool that helps businesses find keywords with less competition. Answer the public’s proprietary algorithms analyze millions of queries to generate questions and topics related to any given topic, helping marketers identify long-tail search phrases used by potential customers who are currently searching for them on Google or other major engines. See the long tail keywords or questions related to the broad term “SEO” below that can help you to prepare the list of your keywords.

Answer The Public Tool

3. Google Autocomplete

Finding a great keyword is not always easy, but Google can help. Autocomplete suggestions from the search engine will provide you with some of the most popular and commonly searched phrases for your topic so that you don’t have to spend hours trying different combinations on your own.

Google’s autocompleting function offers helpful tips when looking up topics online in order to save time by narrowing down what people are searching about already.

4. Soovle – Search suggestions

Soovle is the ideal tool for any creative mind when it comes to brainstorming. Simply go onto their website, enter your topic and one of its keywords, and then sit back while Soovle does all the work by presenting you with a list of ideas that are perfect for what you want!

Soovles innovative algorithm searches through Amazon’s best sellers page or Wikipedia articles on Google in order to find relevant information about your subject as well as YouTube video suggestions based on keywords so users can now use an online research assistant without having to pay anything at all!

5. People Also Ask Boxes in Google SERP

Yes, you can. Google has introduced a box in the search engine that displays most recently asked questions about specific topics or subjects – called “People Also Ask.” With this feature, users are able to see other queries they might not be aware of and learn more about their topic as well!

People also ask boxes in google search are a great way to find question keywords. Google will show you other questions that people have asked similar or the same as yours, and these can make for some excellent keyword inspiration! For example, if I’m looking for keywords about “keywords” and make a search then later on down the page there will be an answer from someone who asks something similar such as “How do I find keywords?

people also ask boxes in google serp

6. Using Google Search Console Performance Report

If you’re like most people, your website probably has a handful of pages sitting on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th page in Google. And sometimes that means ranking for long tail keywords (keywords with 3-5 words) – without even optimizing them! But did you know that when these same pages get some extra SEO attention they usually hit the first page within days? This is because it often takes lots more time to rank a completely new site or pages than an established one. To find those low hanging fruit and meet this challenge head I recommend using the Google Search Console Performance report which will show all potential keyword opportunities for each URL so there are no surprises along the way. Go to the report and such keywords that are ranking on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pages on Google but getting organic impressions. You need to create a list of such keywords and the pages for which you are targeting these keywords. You just need to optimize these keywords in the various areas on your website like SEO title, meta description, headings, content, etc. By spending a few hours, you can increase the ranking for such keywords.

7. Google Trends

You’re always looking for new ways to research keywords, and luckily Google Trends is here to help. This tool lets you see how often a certain keyword has been searched from the time it first appeared on the scene until now! It’s also just one of many tools that make your digital marketing experience more streamlined than ever before.

Google trends allow marketers like yourself to keep track of what types of topics people are searching for in order to better analyze their target audience when building out content strategies; this information can even be used as an idea generator by brainstorming suitable topic ideas based on trending searches! Whether you need inspiration for blog posts or want fresh insights into current market conditions, there’s no shortage of valuable data at your fingertips with google trends.

8. Quora

Quora is a great way to find out what people are really interested in. For example, if you’re looking for keyword research then Quora’s keyword search bar will help make your job easier as it lists the top-rated questions and answers on this topic.

Quoras’ keyword search function can be an invaluable tool when conducting any form of market research or analytics work-related tasks such as brainstorming new topics for blogs or creating compelling content strategies that target specific audiences with pinpoint accuracy while staying true to brand values at all times!

quora keyword search

9. Accumulate Keywords through Forums and Panels

Keyword research is far trickier than it seems but if you know the right method of finding the right thing for you, then it becomes straightforward to figure out the best results in the minimum possible time.

Usually, keywords are the words which are most people use when they ought to find something over the internet and triggering those words accordingly is the art of finding the keywords which are long-tailed and are more sustainable in the search engine.

Various types of panels and forums are the only platforms where there are thousands of people from all over the world interacting and asking bundles of multiple questions in limitless different patterns. It is like heaven for finding the right keywords and also checking the viability of all those chosen words through a simple survey.

The first step for the method of choosing the right type of long tail keywords is to analyze the problem of which the questions are asked on the forums and panels. This ability provides you with a vast sea of numerous choices from which you can choose the best one and create your content surrounding that particular keyword.

The second step is to understand the exact level of the search of the majority of the people who are surfing the internet and play their part in generating traffic for the websites which contain content with triggered long-tailed keywords which can be altered in many variations or combinations of different words.

After selecting the desired keyword check again, the usage of those specific keywords on different forums. It will provide you with the authenticity of your keywords and to find different forums write the name of the keyword which is selected and add the word “forums” or “discussions” after it. The search engine will do the rest of the work for you.

10. Keep an Eye on Your Competitors

Adversaries can also benefit you in various ways if you know the right patterns or tricks to pick valuable things for you from their content. In this method, you keep a keen eye on your competitor’s content because if the competitor’s site is producing mass content, there will be numerous hidden keywords in it that are not the targeted ones by the competitor.

Choose the absolute URL of your desire, and from these headings of the contents, there would be several keywords pop out through the Google keyword planner from which you can choose the best one for yourself to generate new content around it.

After researching and finding the best words, you should check the ranking of the selected keywords and also the competition of these keywords all over the internet.

Through this process of filtering different keywords, you can pull out some of the best Long Tail Keywords which could help in increasing the ranking of your site due to the occurrence of the words in your content that are appearing on the first two pages of the search engine.

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions related to finding long tail keywords

Q. What are long tail keywords?

A. Long tail keywords are phrases that are longer and more specific than short tail keywords. These keywords usually have lower search volume but are more targeted and have higher conversion rates.

Q. Why are long tail keywords important?

A. Long tail keywords are important because they can drive highly targeted traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings. They are also less competitive than short tail keywords, making it easier to rank for them.

Q. How do I conduct keyword research for long tail keywords?

A. To conduct keyword research for long tail keywords, you can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. You can also analyze your competitors’ keywords and use Google’s autocomplete feature to generate ideas.

Q. What are the best long tail keyword tools available?

A. Some of the best long tail keyword tools available are SEMrush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, and Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools provide keyword suggestions, search volume data, and competition analysis.

Q. How do I choose the right long tail keywords?

A. To choose the right long tail keywords, you should consider your target audience, search volume, competition, and relevance to your content. It’s important to choose keywords that are specific and relevant to your content and have a good balance of search volume and competition.

Q. How do I avoid overusing long tail keywords in content?

A. To avoid overusing long tail keywords in content, you should focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that naturally incorporates your target keywords. Use keywords sparingly and strategically, and avoid keyword stuffing or using irrelevant keywords.

Q. What metrics should I track for long tail keywords?

A. The metrics you should track for long tail keywords include search volume, keyword difficulty, click-through rate, and conversion rate. By monitoring these metrics, you can determine the effectiveness of your long tail keyword strategy and make adjustments as needed.

According to a study by Ahrefs, one of the best SEO tools, long tail keywords account for 70% of all search traffic. Additionally, long tail keywords have a higher conversion rate than short tail keywords, with a conversion rate of 36% compared to 11.45% for short tail keywords. These statistics highlight the importance of using long tail keywords in your SEO strategy.

Final Words – Wrapping It Up

Keyword research is one of the essential parts of the search engine optimization of any website. Long tail keywords provide a large spectrum of possibilities during the optimization and help the website to generate more traffic and have indulging content which helps the site to gain its worth among the internet users. Checkout advanced SEO tools for enhancing your website performance.

There are a lot of methods to find the best keywords for the optimization of the website, but these methods are the rarest ones which are provided in this article and are not mostly used by many people in the market.

I am sure that all the content provided in this article will help you in rectifying all the doubts which are present in your mind for finding the right methods to search for m=long tail keywords which are not usually used by most of the marketers. I can say that you will love this article because of the informative and engaging content which has been provided in it.

Well, all the information will assist you in finding the accurate long tail keywords through these methods but if there is still anything left unclear then feel free to ask us anything you need to know without any hesitation. Till then enjoy the informative content and stay tuned for more.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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