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Tips on Using Your Instagram Profile Like a Digital Portfolio

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing Date :

It goes without saying that Instagram has established its ground successfully as a top-level social media platform. Not only it is filled with full of features for marketers and common users, but this platform is a great tool for professionals like graphic designers who are looking to scout a number of clients for their business. Instagram confers users with an engaging and entertaining way to connect with the world including their friends, family and their favorite brands and artists. Since the platform is all about visuals, professionals like graphic designers, photographers, editors can benefit a lot from Instagram by promoting their works and services in front of their followers.

Featuring your previous and ongoing projects along with your services can only be effective when you have optimized your Instagram profile and turned it into an online portfolio. In order to create a huge clientele base on Instagram through an attractive portfolio, here are some tips to help you out:

Ensure Maximum Flexibility with Instagram Business Account

If you have decided to use Instagram for gathering more business and promote your graphic designing services, the first thing to do is switching to the Instagram business account. Having a business account profile on Instagram will provide you with great flexibility. You will be able to monitor the performance of your post on Instagram and improve the quality of your Instagram marketing. Apart from that, a premium quality portfolio should captivate the viewer and in this case, your Instagram profile should be professional enough to give a positive impression on the minds of your followers and other users. Securing an effective presence of Instagram is highly determined by the way you utilize the features of your Instagram business account.

Work on the Instagram Profile Picture

This one seems like a no-brainer at all, but still, there are many social media marketers who do not care about the profile image on Instagram and always overlook the importance of this feature. For graphic designers, focusing on the profile picture should be an absolute must since it has the ability to either make or break their reputation in the market. When it comes to optimizing your Instagram profile, always bear in mind that Instagram is a mobile-exclusive platform and your Instagram profile image appears very small on the compact screen. Therefore, when you upload your profile picture on Instagram, make sure that it is legible. The best trick is to stick to your business logo or the watermark that you use in your work to define your uniqueness. If you are going to starting your business then you must check out the top tips to market your small business on Instagram!

Employ a Profile Tracking Link

Given the fact that Instagram lends social media marketers with the opportunity to share only one URL over the entire profile and channel, making the most of this link is absolutely vital. Even though leveraging the application of a single link is so crucial, there are some marketers who commit the error of inserting a non-tracking link in their profile. Being a graphic designer who is looking to engage some clients and potential customers, using this link properly is incredibly important, which means that you should use a landing page URL in your Instagram profile. If you cannot track the link, it will not be possible for you to learn how many followers and users from Instagram were driven to your website.

Decide What You Want to Display in Your Portfolio

After you are done with the basic optimization of your Instagram profile, it is time to focus on making it look like your online portfolio. This is where you will require using your design skills and driving your efforts in making things more detailed and compelling. The job of a graphic designer is to have a firm grip on granular control and this is the motivation that you will need in crafting your portfolio. You should have a sense of the visuals and other services that you would like to feature on your Instagram profile before turning it into your online portfolio. Prior to uploading the images and videos on Instagram, you must be sure and organized of your planning and thought process.

Focus on Multi-Grid Images and Make a Solid Statement

Graphic designers should leverage the multi-grid image format while designing their Instagram profile as an online portfolio. Uploading images in the multi-grid format not only make them indecipherable, but it also helps the portfolio make a solid statement. The recently launched format has caused a great deal of curiosity among followers. Choosing this format for sharing images will persuade the followers to visit your profile and take a look at the full image.

Leverage the Power of Hashtags

Based on the theme and subject of most of your visuals or graphics, it goes without saying that there will be a bunch of hashtags related to the theme. Research the popular and latest hashtags in the graphic designing industry and see which hashtags are getting the most engagement. Make sure that every time you share a post on Instagram, you incorporate these popular hashtags in the post to ensure getting more likes and comments. For more user engagement and follower growth on Instagram, you can opt for the services of an online source such as Gramblast. In case you like to keep things minimalistic in the caption of your post, you can simply take the hashtags and use them in the comment section of the post.

Establish Dedicated Instagram Accounts

In case you simply want to highlight your graphic design talent and want to show more of it than simply posting images in the multi-grid format, the best way out is to create a distinct, dedicated Instagram account. Once you created a separate account, use it exclusively just for showcasing your talent. Although it is great to have a different account for illustrating your talent, make sure that you tag your main portfolio account when sharing posts. See some top brands on Instagram who are doing well on this social media platform.


Forging relationships with clients is only possible when you have a solid and compelling portfolio to flaunt. With Instagram and its appealing features, you can easily grab the attention of potential clients and customers who will engage with your services.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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