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Latest Trends to Monitor for Mobile App Development

by : rajkishore Category : App Development Date :

Development of mobile application is certainly a one step further of how technology has intervened into the daily business life of the people across the globe. Previously, web development was the only boost all the major companies had to promote their products and services. However, after how smartphones are operated worldwide, mobile applications have taken the charge.

2017 was surely a phenomenal year for mobile application development.  Now, when the world has seen that smartphones are operated at full potential, investing in mobile application development is not an option anymore. Development of mobile application is now more than a necessity because of its availability everywhere.

According to a recent survey in the year 2017, up till now the downloads of free mobile application is noted to be around 254 billion rising from 57.33 billion from the year 2012 and to be recorded it is stated that mobile application development is one of the highly active growing sectors in the tech industry.

The market for the mobile application is dominated by Google applications, social media, lifestyle and several other gaming mobile applications. Majority of the larger companies coming under the umbrella retail, bank and hospitality use mobile application for branding purpose, the increment in customer interaction and direct marketing. Now the market has emerged to be vast and results driven and the small-scale businesses are also looking forward to following the trend of mobile application development.

How to get a million dollar mobile application?

The first most important step to consider for building a million dollar application is to get your plan ready. Considering how highly acknowledged mobile application such as Viber and WhatsApp came into existence, they initially targeted a very small group of individual. It is very important to make sure that you are prepared with your facts and figures and know exactly what to do.

Mobile application development is a very vast field offering different mobile app platforms for all the developers to publish their applications. Highly acknowledged and used platforms in the modern world are iOS and Android. Windows is used less often and Microsoft is doing everything to gather their market share. Blackberry previously was one another major platform but they failed to survive in the market.

Always launch something unique in the market

Copying idea from somewhere else is never a good idea. Not just because it is unethical or something wrong but also you might not know the actual secret behind it. It is always advisable to uniqueness in the market to attract customers towards your mobile application.

The mobile application is one another form of marketing tool used in the modern era to gather more customers. A mobile application is totally dependent on the use of your smartphones. As smartphones have the ability to mark you available everywhere, a mobile application makes you and your customer connected everywhere across the globe.

Attract customers with an interactive design

How is application rated among the best mobile application? The best mobile application is the combination of being it simple and creative on the other hand. It is very important for the mobile app developer to keep things simple for the users and also add creativity to make things interactive. Making it simple will definitely make the mobile application user-friendly serving all the important functionality. The creative side will make the mobile application appealing to the eye of the customer.

What trends to follow in the year 2018?

One thing fascinating about the tech-world is that it keeps on changing now and then. 2017 was surely one amazing year for the mobile application development business but things will surely change in the year 2018. All the companies following the mobile application development trends are advised to follow the following trends to make sure that they are connected with the tech-world.

1. Internet of Things (IOT) and wearables

Internet of things is something to watch for in the upcoming years of mobile application development. From the department of healthcare and smart homes to smart offices, IOT will definitely be a conventional trend to be followed in the year 2018.

According to what Analysts have predicted the industry will grow from $157.05 billion (2016) to $661.74 billion in the year 2021 at a compound annual growth of 33.33%. This increase will directly lay emphasis on the mobile application development as IOT devices are controlled by smartphones.

2. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Google was the first one to introduce accelerated mobile pages into the industry. AMP basically allows to quickly load mobile web pages on smartphones. Besides this, Google has also stated that it will provide an isolated search index for the mobile web. Speaking specifically in terms of SEO point of view, this specific step will definitely boost the industry of mobile application development.

3. Mobile Payments

Customers who are fond of doing online shopping usually use internet banking or credit cards or debits cards to perform online transactions but the way Apple has incorporated Apple pay and how Google has launched Google Wallet, customers are gradually shifting towards mobile commerce.

4. AR/VR

Augmented and Virtual reality has already made a name for themselves in the market. The gaming world has adopted the technology pretty well and the mobile gaming industry is taking a huge benefit with how this technology has transformed into something unique and exciting. In the year 2018, the technology will probably be adopted by the other different sectors of the industry.


Mobile Application development field is the fastest growing field in the world currently and every other business is looking to shift their business on mobile applications to stay connected with their customers. With how the technology has transformed and how the smartphone industry is operating the above-mentioned trends will definitely be followed and adopted by the major sectors of the world.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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