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17 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Startup

by : deepak-chauhan Category : Marketing Date :
Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

According to Techjury, the majority (almost 90%) of startups are prone to failure, with about 20% failing in their first year of existence. Poor marketing accounts for 14% of the failed businesses. To counter that, the importance of digital marketing has grown more than ever before, and so has the demand for hiring a digital marketing agency. A marketing agency analyzes the current digital marketing trends and data concerning your targeted audience. It helps in determining goals and developing strategies proven by data to gear your startup towards achieving those goals.

A digital marketing agency can tackle every task from designing your logo to upgrading and optimizing your site to rank better on the search engines. Perhaps you can handle everything on your own. But what about time, expertise involved, and your business at large? That is why you have to hire a digital marketing agency.

A professional marketing agency will help you evaluate your digital marketing goals, build your online reputation and ranking and also assist in re-purposing your content so you enjoy better results with your local SEO efforts.

To convince you further, I will discuss 17 reasons to hire a digital marketing agency for your startup:

Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

1. You focus on your core business, while agency handles your marketing

To focus on the growth of your business, you need to hire a digital marketing agency. As an owner of the business owner, it is difficult for you to have a moment for yourself, leave alone, even to think of writing a blog post.

Do want sufficient time to build solid relationships with your strategic partners and smoothen the flow of operations? Then consider hiring some marketing help. The importance of digital marketing is seen gradually. For instance, the benefits of social networks are not witnessed immediately; however, when your start sets a foundation, things become much smoother.

2. Experts in Marketing Know Their Fields

The extensive exposure to various brands and industries helps a digital marketing agency to acquire relevant marketing expertise. That is because every brand or industry is different from others. Hence, the marketing agency develops lots of creativity when developing various marketing strategies to apply to the respective brands.

Your startup has to build its online presence from different aspects. The web content also should be written in a unique way to attract and engage the correct audience. To guarantee that, then hiring the expertise of a digital marketing agency is the way to go.

3. Manage your budget efficiently and cut down on marketing costs drastically

On average, the Marketing Director’s salary increased by 17% from the year 2016 to the year 2017. More so, Content Strategist’s salary increased by 40% within the same period. What does it imply? Of course, the cost of maintaining a marketing team is increasingly high. The majority (80%) of businesses fails as a result of problems with cash flow.

On the contrary, hiring a digital marketing agency is cost-effective. That is because you don’t have to train and manage your marketing team, which would otherwise be costly.

4. Agencies offer measurable results

The assessment of the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts is done through the outcome. And it is for that case, that instead of doing it on your own, you should hire a digital marketing agency. That owes to the fact that an agency provides insightful information on keywords performance and potential consumers’ engagement with your website and the brand as a whole.

More so, the marketing agency recommends the appropriate forces to boost results which help to refocus.

5. Access to the marketing tools – which otherwise costs a lot

Often, a digital marketing agency is always up-to-date on the latest developments in marketing tools and the associated technologies. That helps in leveraging into useful insights the data already in hand. Since those tools are applied to various projects, the cost of acquisition is always distributed accordingly. But on your side a single entity, you would incur the whole expense.

Additionally, the accessibility of latest technologies helps a marketing agency to improve on the projects it is handling. Wouldn’t you like your projects to succeed most appropriately?

6. You can get new ideas

There is no rule of thumb on how to grow your business on the internet when it comes to digital marketing. For the success of your marketing campaigns, you should consider the various available options. Always bear in mind that not all your online marketing efforts will bear fruits.

Hiring a digital marketing agency will come along with new business ideas and operation techniques that will provide a breakthrough for your startup. It will help in aligning both your offline and online marketing strategies geared towards raising the conversion rates.

7. You can scale up quickly, without worrying about hiring new staff

Whenever things work out well for you, they can happen very fast. To recruit, hire, and train a marketing team can take ages. But with a digital marketing agency, you can scale up your business rapidly while at the same time looking for permanent staff.

Hiring an agency doesn’t mean it should be a long-term engagement. With time, opportunities keep on changing and therefore working with a digital marketing agency enables to reconsider the situation continuously.

8. You can get regular strategic advice and recommendations on best practices

Should your business have a social media page or website just because your rivals do? You should have an insight into the platforms’ purpose of existence and usefulness in increasing conversion rates. That is where a digital marketing agency comes in; to help you understand your rivals and their activities, the transformation of stages in the sales funnel, and the business opportunities to grab.

The knowledge of what and how to it provides a basis for the practical usage of the various mediums. You shouldn’t skip this vital stage, not unless you wish to waste your resources in terms of money and time.

9. A better digital presence that will be otherwise hard to achieve yourself

According to a report released by eCommerce Foundation in 2017, the majority (88%) of consumers conduct an online pre-research of businesses before making a purchase decision. So, your potential customers are probably doing online research about you and your rivals as well to make a comparison. Without an online presence, then you are missing out on a lot of opportunities since would-be consumers only find your competitors and eventually become their clients to generate sales.

Not unless you have lots of spare time to publish web contents, and manage social media accounts, consider hiring a digital marketing agency. That will ensure you gain much value efficiently and effectively from your business’ online presence.

10. You get the best ROI for your marketing

Regarding the Economic Impact, for every single dollar spent on Google Adverts, a business would generate 11 dollars as profit. Experts from the digital marketing agency will do everything possible to ensure you get the best return on investment (ROI). They do so by generating more leads, sales, and profits ultimately. With the wrong agency, they will ensure the avoidance of all unnecessary expenses by any means possible.

You should watch out for digital marketing agencies that are there to drain your pockets dry. That allows for the optimal use of your limited finances, and still get the best feasible ROI from your marketing efforts.

11. Your marketing keeps up with the industry updates

Business environments are dynamic, with changes occurring at any time without your anticipation or knowledge. Social network channels and search tools update their algorithms regularly. If you don’t remain at par with such changes, then your digital marketing investment may be a flop.

However, hiring a digital marketing agency addresses the issue altogether. That is because agencies are always up-to-date with advancements in technology and changes in the industry. Such updates enable them to offer better services to their clients than their competitors.

12. You get multiple tasks accomplished without being distracted

A digital marketing agency at your service ensures that you get multiple tasks completed at your convenience through a single hire. The ideal agency will handle any job ranging from designing your business logo to web designing and hosting.

In other words, a digital marketing agency provides all the services required under one roof. The agency comprises of experts in various fields, and so all your needs are met. Eventually, that will save you on time consumption and money expenditure.

13. Get your brand widely recognized

Experts anticipate expenditure on digital adverts and media to hit 375 .80 billion dollars globally by the year 2021. That is a clear indication that online marketing is an essential way for the global outreach of businesses and engagement with the target audience. Digital marketing agencies dedicate their services to ensure your brand gains extensive recognition on various social network stages. They also make sure that the top influencers talk about your brand to reach the target audience and beyond.

Keeping up-to-date with the social trends as well the change of techniques can prove challenging, especially for a busy person as you are. Hence, it is essential to hire a digital marketing agency to help in recognition of your brand.

14. Achieve your goals in less time

Determining your goals is the first step the right marketing agency will make. Do you want to accomplish something? Then you need to know what you want to attain in the first place. The right agency is knowledgeable on the best approaches to extracting your business’ actual goals. It also helps in designing and implementing the most appropriate strategies to meet the objectives.

Since it is a digital marketing agency, it focuses exclusively on the online-driven set goals. That way, it avoids distractions from other daily tasks and so helps to achieve your goals in a brief period.

15. Leverage the agency’s years of experience and existing resources

Usually, in any opening for the growth of your business, you have to find an additional team member to fill in the gap. That means you will have to invest extra resources in backing up and boosting the eminent business growth.

The same doesn’t apply to a marketing agency; you will not have to overburden or expand the taskforce. Rather, you will have access to qualified and experienced experts in online marketing. Since they have previously handled similar projects to yours, you will be saved from paying heavily in leverage of their expertise.

16. Let the agency handle all the auxiliary aspects .e.g. copywriting, website upgrades, etc

Content publishing and distribution are among the critical aspects of digital marketing, and the majority (84%) of consumers expects brands to create web contents. More so, quality content can help to drive organic traffic to your blog even by 2000%. Since you have to concentrate on the daily operations of your business, content writing is a task you should leave to the digital marketers.

A digital marketing agency will help to create audience-targeted content. In conjunction with blog and article writers, they will come up with original and unique web contents. They also work to ensure your website receives quality backlinks. The result is an optimized website with quality leads creation, and most importantly, the increased generation of sales.

17. Access to different channels (organic, paid, influencer, social)

Website visitors originating from paid adverts are more likely to make purchases in comparison to those from organic searches. Also, almost 60% of digital marketers perceive influencer marketingto be increasingly important. Not forgetting that, nearly half (3.03) of the global population uses social media.

Therefore, for the effectiveness of online marketing strategies, they should be harmonized with those different channels. The development of your site, social networking, SEO efforts, and e-mail marketing, among other aspects, should be assimilated and driven towards achieving the goals of your business.

At times it can be a frustration, particularly if you have to transact with various parties to properly integrate those channels. Save yourself the frustrations and hire a digital marketing agency to help you out. It will leave you with no worries of third party conflicting with the other.


The process of digital marketing is slow and gradual; therefore, take your time to choose and hire the right digital marketing agency. You should be wary of the agencies promising instant results. Inquire about the type of marketing techniques and tools they apply to their assigned projects. You can even ask for case studies of the businesses they have successfully helped in digital marketing.

Upon determining your right agency, begin by sharing the objectives for your startup. The online marketing campaign’s effectiveness depends on your togetherness. Moreover, let the agency’s decisions be in favor of your budget and interests.

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Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan Hi, I am Deepak Chauhan, a Digital Marketing Strategist. I'm the CEO & Co-Founder of VOCSO Digital Agency, a creative web design, development, and marketing agency based in India & USA.

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