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App Marketing Strategies in 2018 – 8 Tips to Market Your App with Unstoppable Growth

by : deepak-chauhan Category : App Development Date :

Just as in any business, marketing is necessary to sell your product in the web development category as well. There are so many companies out there developing websites, content, and apps. But what is the best way to market an app? There are many app marketing strategies and tactics available that you can use. We have listed some of them below to give you unstoppable growth. Read on and get enlightened to develop further.

1.Get discovered through different Apps themselves

You will need to get yourself to market products to others if you want to help yourself. One way is to get your app on Product Hunt. This is an insanely popular app for marketers, which features new products and apps to be discovered. The trick here is to get on twitter, join Product Hunt itself, and then tweet about, or promote their product on Twitter. In turn, you will get your app on to their platform and gain the traction that you need in people discovering new apps.

2. Get Social

Now, this may sound cliché, but trust us on this. Social Media is going to be your best friend in marketing your app. Word of mouth travels like wildfire here. There are so many avenues to choose from. Did you know that Youtube is the largest search platform after Google? No, we’re not joking. Facebook and Instagram can also be used to promote your app. Just make sure to make your campaign edgy, new age and stylish.

3. Select your Targets Carefully

Every product needs to be placed in a certain target zone. Specifically, we are speaking geo-targeting. Be very selective about what users you want to target. You wouldn’t offer a photography app to a baby, would you? You will have to be specific about the location, age, gender, and likes and dislikes of the end users. If it’s a business app, you could target a location on Wall Street. Marketing a Spa app? Go to the malls, target families, and middle-aged women.

4. Freebies

The philosophy here is; who doesn’t want free stuff? You can make items such as t-shirts, bands, headgear, caps, and so much other stuff, the list is endless. Just list out a few things that you will be able to get made easily and give them as handouts. If it’s an alcoholic beverage you’re making an app on, you can offer free drinks with a scan on a related product and etc.

5. Celebrity Engagement

The most explosive word of mouth in today’s age after social media is celebrities. You can use anyone that you like. There are so many. Sports stars, singers, dancers, reality show judges; even Youtube has celebrities such Pew De Pie and so many more. You can engage them with your app and get amazing customer pull.

6. E-mail Marketing

This is just huge when it comes to affiliate marketing. You won’t have to engage affiliates just yet. What you need is a great landing page about your app, get email addresses, names and other essential details of people who could potentially be your customers through the landing page and offer subscriptions. Now sporadically, send emails out to your subscribers. This should be on a schedule. An email Once or twice a week is great. Anything above that will be too much. Give details of your app little by little to those subscribers to get proper traction.

7. Third Party Feedback

You may have developed your app yourselves, but you can engage another similar app developer to get feedback. You can even use their platform and similar apps to gain those coveted customers. You can use cross promotion and market each other’s apps. Make sure to use someone of good repute such as so that you can get proper genuine feedback.

8. Use the landscape

One of the best ways to market a product is through simple paintings. Choose a location where your target demographic would be hanging out. Places popular with tourists are the best options here. You can get an advertising company to paint graffiti or a wall in a popular place. This will give you amazing results.


There are many methods to market your app; many app marketing tactics are available which just require a little brainstorming session. What you don’t need to do here is to rush to a complete professional firm and giving away your money for a marketing campaign. All you need to do is put the thinking cap on. Do a little bit of research yourself, put a campaign on the market yourself first and see what happened. The methods that are described here should give you a great head start.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan Hi, I am Deepak Chauhan, a Digital Marketing Strategist. I'm the CEO & Co-Founder of VOCSO Digital Agency, a creative web design, development, and marketing agency based in India & USA.

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