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10 Reasons Why Responsive Web Design Is Important For Your Website

by : deepak-chauhan Category : UX/UI,Web Design and Development Glossary Date :

Due to the constant increase in the number of people that are using mobile devices, for instance tablets and smart phones, the need to have a mobile friendly website has also grown to be very important. While some businesses have two websites, where one site is developed specifically for desktop users and the other for mobile users; you can have one site designed to satisfy the needs of both the mobile users and desktop users. This is achieved with responsive design.

What Does Responsive Web Design Mean?

This is the designing of website in a way that all its content, structure and images remain the same on all devices of different sizes. Below are the 10 reasons why responsive web design is important for your website.

1. Google Recommends It

Since Google is one of the most used search engines that you have to impress with your website, following what it wants is a smart decision. In addition to recommending responsive web design, Google also favors mobile-friendly sites when ranking search results on mobile devices. This is true especially when mobile users are searching for local services.

2. Decreases the Maintenance Costs Of a Website

If you choose to maintain your regular non-mobile-friendly website, and then develop another website for mobile devices, it requires you to develop & manage 2-separate SEO campaigns. On the other hand, with responsive web design, you will only need one website to do everything for all the devices. This eliminates the need to invest in managing and maintaining two different websites.

3. Responsive Sites Have Lower Bounce Rates

With responsive web design, your website won’t have anything that can compromise its content and functionality when it is being viewed on different devices. This has proved to be very helpful for many websites. Non-responsive websites usually surfer form high bounce rates, especially if the content is plainly clunky and very challenging to work with on mobile devices compared to the content that is offered on desktop sites. Websites that have high bounce rates are considered by Google to be irrelevant, thereby causing their rankings to drop. This is also the reason why mobile versions of websites have low rankings.

4. Responsive Websites Load Fast

Google likes loading mobile pages in only one second or less. Responsive websites usually don’t require any sort of queries so as to redirect internet users to another (or a different) URL; as a result, this reduces the webpage’s load time.

5. Mobile-Optimized Websites Are Easy To Manage

In addition to being cost effective (as seen above), managing one mobile-optimized website is a lot easier than managing two sites (a desktop site and a mobile site). Therefore, having a responsive website isn’t only good for your customers; it is also good for your team including every individual, from developers to content managers.

6. More Conversion Rates and Sales

If you want to understand what the visitors are doing on your website and the time that they spend on it (your website), you may use Google analytics. Having a website that only attracts potential customers isn’t enough; you need to have a marketing strategy which sends the right people to your website at the right stage in their buying cycle. Setting up a responsive website which is sales-ready can maximize your conversions.

7. It’s A Competitive Advantage

Assuming that your competitors haven’t set up responsive websites yet, your business (company) can standout, thereby showing that you know what it takes to meet the needs of the consumers. When the non-responsive websites of your competitors frustrate your visitors, they may do another search and then turn to your non-frustrating website. This can give you an opportunity to swoop in & convert their leads to your customers.

8. It Is Essential To Offer Positive User Experience

If an internet user lands on your mobile site and gets frustrated, or if he/she fails to see what they’re looking for on your website, there is a 61% chance that they’ll leave your site and go to another. This is according to the Think Insights of Google on Mobile. According to the data, a user is 67% more likely to use a service or buy a product from a responsive website that offers a positive experience.

9. Boosts SEO Rankings

Responsive websites have higher chances of attracting a lot of traffic, and thereby being ranked high in the search results due to their mobile friendliness. Additionally, mobile-optimized websites use only one URL and the same HTML code across all the devices. Therefore, Google finds it easy to find, index & organize content from a single company website than from two sites. Users can also share and link the URL of a responsive website easily.

10. Offers a More Consistent Branding

With responsive web design, your site is designed to look similar on different devices from the start. The content and images of your website slightly simplify or shift around to scale things down; however, the elements and appearances are basically the same on the different devices.


More and more people have started using mobile devices for tasks that could only be performed on desktops in the past. This fact illustrates that mobile surfing is clearly taking over the internet. As a matter of the fact, it isn’t just about surfing; it is everything from checking emails and browsing social media outlets to performing online shopping. Make a responsive website now to enjoy all the benefits that it (responsive web design) has to offer.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan I am a technology strategist at VOCSO with 20 years of experience in full-stack development. Specializing in Python, the MERN stack, Node.js, and Next.js, I architect scalable, high-performance applications and custom solutions. I excel at transforming ideas into innovative digital products that drive business success.

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