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How Does Video Content Play A Significant Role In Social Media Marketing

by : deepak-chauhan Category : Marketing Date :
Video Content Role In Social Media Marketing

Video content has experienced stellar growth in recent times. The incredible growth of video content can be primarily attributed to two factors – social media’s rising popularity and easy access to the internet. As the audience’s content consumption habits change, so does the content.

A quick look at the statistics reveals that video content has not only grown at a breakneck speed but is here to stay for a long, long time. And the fact that almost 4.65 billion people, or the global population’s 58.7%, use social media further bolsters the position of video content on such platforms.

A survey found that 92% of marketers believe that video has become an ‘important’ part of their overall marketing strategy. 86% of businesses admit to using video as a key marketing tool.

However, not all marketers think alike. For instance, 23% of marketers have shied away from creating videos because they do not have the time to do so. However, since video maker tools are readily available online, you can create eye-catching videos before drafting an article, blog, or newsletter to increase your content and brand’s reach.

So, why does video content attract marketers using social media platforms, and how to scale up your video marketing efforts? Read on to discover the answers.

Why Does Video Content Attract Marketers?

Social media has emerged as the top choice for people looking for lifestyle tips, product information, and entertainment. It also helps users frame decisions about crucial matters.

The best part of video content is that you don’t need to leave a social media platform to find information. Video content seamlessly integrates with social media so that you can check the video when browsing normally.

The following sections explain why most sensible marketers prefer video content to make their brand popular through social media.

Options Galore

Unlike articles and blogs, video content on social media can be of various types. A quick scan of the top social media platforms shows that marketers use multiple video types on social media, ranging from explainer videos, presentation videos, testimonial videos, video ads, sales ads, and teaser videos to onboarding demos, training videos, how-to videos, customer service videos, video graphics, and app demos.

In terms of popularity, explainer videos enjoy the patronage of 74% of marketers, followed by presentation videos (50%), video testimonials (46%), and video ads (42%).

The data mentioned above suggests that users prefer explainer videos more. This type of video provides a detailed explanation of a topic, making it convenient for users to enhance their knowledge of a product or service. Your customers may watch explainer videos to make a purchase decision or check the operation process after purchasing.

Generally, brands place explainer videos on their websites’ landing pages. However, some marketers go one step ahead and create a separate social media channel for publishing explainer videos.

Whichever video type you choose, social media marketing always provides you with ample opportunities to connect with customers.

Human Brain Respects Videos More Than Written Content

The human brain is programmed to remember and recognize videos more than textual content.

In 2016, Brightcove found that video content shared on social media fetched 1200% higher shares than images and text combined. Moreover, Aberdeen observed that companies using video content received 41% higher web traffic solely from online searches than content users not using videos.

If you feel confused about why the human brain likes videos more, you have to dive deep into the brain’s wiring. The human brain understands visual signals faster than written words. In fact, around 90% of all information we get comes through our eyes.

The human brain can process information entering it through the eyes in less than a second. In contrast, a reader spends approximately six (6) seconds to process 20 to 25 words.

Google’s latest data shows that ‘How-to’ searches have increased by 70% on a year-on-year basis. Emarketer concludes that around 4X customers prefer watching a video to understand a product rather than reading it.

When a marketer connects to their audience through video content on social media, they target the visual bias of the human brain to attract customers. Once customers find value in the content, they return to satiate their appetite for visual content.

Incredible Reach

You can seldom find an individual around you who is not on social media. While some use social media to watch videos exclusively on video-sharing platforms like YouTube, others through social networking websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., to connect with like-minded people or check content, including videos, that matter.

In a survey, 88% of marketers expressed their desire to make YouTube a prominent part of their video marketing strategy. This is followed by LinkedIn video and Instagram video (68% each), Facebook video (65%), TikTok (33%), Instagram TV (30% ).

If you keep the data mentioned above besides the number of users on top social media platforms, you can understand why marketers prefer social media to share video content.

For instance, Facebook leads the pack of social media platforms with 2.9 billion monthly active users, followed by YouTube (2..2 billion), Whatsapp and Instagram (2 billion each), TikTok (1 billion), Snapchat (538 million), and LinkedIn (250 million).

Marketers experiment with their video content approach to target the right audience. And technology makes it easy for marketers to understand what they must do.

Presently, social media websites automatically provide video recommendations to viewers, making it convenient for marketers to tweak the keywords, theme, or content to fetch organic traffic without burning the midnight oil.

Engage Your Audience With a Story

Videos on social media are supposed to be concise, to the point, and fun to watch. Marketers generally do not replicate the style followed in written content to create social media videos.

Fortunately, experienced marketers have found a foolproof way to engage their audience through videos. Instead of directly selling a product or service, they cook up a story where the protagonist faces a problem while looking for its solution.

As the viewers feel associated with the protagonist’s problem, the brand shows its product or service as the solution.

Some marketers ace the marketing strategy with bonuses and freebies given to users watching the full video. Your task as a marketer becomes easy when your customers get emotionally attached to your video and find value in your product or service.

Storytelling lets you connect with the audience by targeting their mind. So, the output of sharing video content on social media can be dramatic.

Incredible ROI

Few marketing channels provide a better Return On Investment (ROI) than video marketing through social media platforms. The cost of marketing on social media is a fraction of print or television advertising.

According to a WordStream report, marketers using video content see 49% higher revenue growth than marketers without any video content strategy. In fact, 87% of marketers express satisfaction with video content ROI.

And when it comes to the Cost Per Thousand Impressions or CPM, social media beats all other forms of advertising.
For instance, the CPM of social media is US$ 2.50, whereas it is $5 for billboards, $10 for radio, $16 for magazines and newspapers, $28 for broadcast television, and $57 for direct mail.

The best part of video content on social media is that you can edit videos to engage with customers, answer questions, provide feedback, and whatnot. So, sharing video content on social media must be a prominent part of your marketing strategy if you wish to experience never-seen-before ROI.

Video Content Captures the Attention of Uninterested Buyers

How often do you change TV channels when ads come up, breaking the momentum of your favorite show? Let’s be honest; most of us change the channel when something like this happens.

Incidentally, this makes marketing through social media different from other mediums.

Social media allows you to masquerade your product video as an entertainment show. As viewers immerse themselves in the show, you can subtly promote your product or service. Moreover, since social media videos carry no more than one or two ads, you can expect constant attention from your viewers (read, customers).

However, ensure to edit your video properly with an online video editor to ensure optimal quality.

You can use video content to create exceptional learning materials. Present-day consumers usually do not have the time or know-how to read lengthy, complex articles and blogs. You can pitch your video to replace complex articles with interesting videos.

Video content enables consumers to see a product or service in action. This allows them to make informed decisions about the purchases they will soon make.

While creating video content, remember that your content must engage the viewers’ eyes and ears. Capturing the viewers’ attention while offering them something to hear can give them an immersive experience. So, the chances of retaining your customers improve considerably.

You Can Reuse Videos

It is imperative to create content that can be uploaded to all social media platforms. Some platforms specify the technicalities of uploadable videos. You must check the instructions carefully before creating video content for your brand. However, your ROI may reduce substantially if you do not create reusable video content.

Online video editors ensure that your investment in producing video content remains minimal. You can recycle your videos as often as you want and post the same videos on multiple social media websites and cater to platform-specific audiences.

Try creating video content that can be played seamlessly on handheld devices, such as smartphones, laptops, or desktops, for the best outcome.

Search Engine Optimization Becomes Easy

65% of company representatives in a survey admitted that they watch a branded advertisement or video before visiting a marketer’s website. This proves that high-quality videos enhance viewer engagement, increasing the traffic to your social media channel and may increase sales.

Thanks to Google’s AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) enabled tracking system, the world’s most popular search engine analyzes a video’s visual fragments to scan important keywords. Such intelligent tracking of keywords provides marketers with the myriad benefits of search engine optimization.

Videos help you reach a large audience using various digital devices. For example, uploading video content on YouTube or Vimeo may take your brand to both mobile and laptop/desktop users.

Tips to Create Impactful Videos For Social Media

Here are some proven tips for creating world-class social media videos:

Use a High-Quality Editing Tool

Using a top-class online video editor is vital to create the desired impact. Ensure the video editor is simple to maneuver and lets you add templates, music, special effects, transitions, etc.

While most video editing platforms provide a free trial, you can purchase the professional version to create best-in-class videos.

Keep it Short

Keep your videos short during the initial days of your social media journey. Social media is replete with options, and viewers usually do not like to spend a long time on content. Keeping your videos short helps you to avoid mistakes and hook customers to your content.

However, you can increase the length once users become loyal to your channel.

Specify the Limit

While it’s true that video content has endless potential, refrain from packing your videos with too much information. Instead, pick a theme and justify it in whichever way you can.

Pay Attention to the Audio

Ensure the audio is of the same quality as the video. Sometimes, the hard work a marketer has done to produce the video gets spoiled because of low-quality audio.

Thankfully, most online video editors contain tools with which you can modify the sound quality to let it match the video.

Include The User in Your Video

If you want to make an everlasting impact with your video, ensure it suits the customer’s life.

Your viewers must feel that the video talks about them. Find problems unique to them and pitch your product as the ultimate solution.

Think About SEO

The primary purpose of sharing video content on social media is to boost SEO and draw organic traffic. Find trending topics and hashtags and include them in your videos. Apt SEO tactics can take your videos to a larger audience.

As more and more people click on and watch your video, its ranking will automatically go north.

The Beginning Must be Electrifying

Users generally leave a video within the first 30 seconds or so. Hence, you cannot afford a slow start.

Many video creators start with a snapshot or teaser of the things about to come. This creates curiosity in the viewers’ minds, and they feel compelled to stay put.


This article mentions the reasons why social media must figure prominently in video marketing strategy. It also explains the tips you must follow to produce impactful video content. Following the methods discussed here can help you scale up your brand’s outreach at the lowest possible investment.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan Hi, I am Deepak Chauhan, a Digital Marketing Strategist. I'm the CEO & Co-Founder of VOCSO Digital Agency, a creative web design, development, and marketing agency based in India & USA.

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