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Top Benefits of Advertising on Twitter

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing Date :
Benefits of Advertising on Twitter

In this era of social media advertising dominated by paid campaigns, Twitter represents a prime avenue for brands to raise awareness. Twitter’s fast-paced environment means that brands must take special care when it comes to what type of ads they decide to run. With a major emphasis on visual content, Twitter advertising is good for catching the eyes of new followers and customers.

In less than a decade Twitter has emerged a social media giant. Today more than 302 million active users dominate the platform, making Twitter a hot cake for advertisers. However, this is only true for those who understand how Twitter marketing works; advertising on Twitter without the right approach is a waste of money, time and opportunity.

Twitter is an important platform for most businesses, and it is a fantastic place to market for several reasons. To start with, Twitter provides high-quality data and acumens about user’s goals for launching an advertising campaign. Unlike other social media website, for example, Twitter is an open social media platform made up of mostly public profiles.

Furthermore, Twitter provides several marketing platforms, and all of them make use of deep targeting and segmentation procedures. You can slice up the bigger market to find your target users based on language, location, and a range of demographics like gender. It is even more useful to do this type of segmentation in real-time as actual users are discussing your product or business (or competitors). Moreover, regarding real-time capacities, this is the other major reason to advertise on Twitter. It is probably the biggest and most popular platform for real-time marketing. You can organize your campaigns based on usage patterns and trending events and news, making each ad count more.

Why Twitter Ads? [Benefits]

1. Twitter Ads are less Expensive

With the ability to create a narrow and distinct target audience, Twitter ads are not too costly. Having the ability to set your budget and target audience minimizes resources. For example, when choosing the Promoted Video Views campaign, your cost per video view can be as low as 1 cent, and clicks have been as low as 17 cents with a Website Clicks or Conversions campaign.

2. Twitter Ads Are Customizable

With different campaign objectives, this leaves advertisers with lots of options when customizing their Twitter ads. From video ads to custom images, there is no deficit of ads- options.

3. Twitter Ads Are Indirect:

Twitter reports that 41% of people on Twitter purchased goods after exposure to an ad in the last 30 days. With Twitter ads match the right into user’s Twitter streams.

Types of Advertising Campaigns

You might have seen a lot of ads on Twitter, such as Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. It also may show these ads to you when you sign-in or sign-out of Twitter. They are marked with a “promoted” icon. You can socialize with most promoted content in much the same way as organic content. If you like, follow or Retweet content on Twitter, like promoted content, your followers may see your name linked with that content.

1. Promoted Tweets

A promoted tweet is just like it sounds. You can decide to promote one of your current tweets or write a brand-new one. A promoted tweet allows you to reach out beyond your main followers and reach out to a wide target audience. Also, you can decide to have Twitter advertise your tweet on both and any mobile device.

The most interesting about a tweet promotion is that you have versatility in your tweet’s C.T.A. (Call to Action). For example, you may decide to include the URL of a landing page on your website. Alternatively, you may choose to add an invitation to your forthcoming event. Lastly, you may want to force to be reckoned with in your industry with a tweet full of engaging and compelling content. Whatever the C.T.A, keep it simple and sweet!

2. Promoted Trends

Have you thought of the “what is trending” on twitter section on your Twitter home-page? Trending topics on Twitter are featured on every user’s Twitter timeline to get massive exposure. This, in turn, means that if you choose to promote a trend, your trend will also receive massive exposure. Usually, trends promoted or organic gain an enormous conversation and #hashtag tweets. No matter trend you promote, you will want it to be entertaining, informative and related to your niche.

3. Promoted Accounts

Have you ever noticed the “Whom to Follow” section on your Twitter homepage? The accounts that pop up here are both sponsored and organic. The paid ones are known as “promoted” beneath and are an example of Twitter’s ‘Promoted Accounts’ advertising option.

NB: The word ‘promoted’ is also used under trends that are promoted. This is one of the most vibrant ways to build a strong base of engaged Twitter followers. It can also help you raise your brand awareness or promote a new product.

Twitter Ads and Marketing Strategy

The Twitter advertisement is an aspect of Twitter marketing, although they’re not always the same thing. Twitter marketing is just the act of using Twitter as a marketing tool to increase awareness and achieve other brand-related goals.

There are different ways you can directly advertise on Twitter. Before you start anything, you should decide how much you have to spend on this campaign. You want to get more than you give, and going in with a fuzzy idea of the budget will thwart the campaign from the inception.

When you create a Twitter campaign, you will be asked to enter your budget through an expected daily limit, and overall budget. All these parameters help Twitter understand what you’re willing to spend so that it never goes over that amount.

1. New Follower Campaigns

Not every campaigns are directly in pursuit of profit. Maybe the results of a particular campaign could eventually lead to profit in a sort of butterfly-effect way, but that doesn’t mean it’s their main measure of success.
New follower campaigns seek to increase awareness about a brand or product by increasing its, well, followers. Twitter makes it quite easy to begin one of these campaigns. To start with, go to the Twitter Ads page, which exists mainly for businesses. Then, you can choose either to push some tweets or launch a Twitter ad campaign. You’ll need to be able to answer a lot of questions about the campaign, as well as about your followers. You are asked to choose a campaign aim and a name.

If you opt for a new-follower campaign, “followers” are your main priority. Twitter then will ask you include the dates on your campaign, or how long it will run. Setting the audience of your campaign is possibly the most important part. This determines whom the promotions show up to. You can narrow down your audience through some ways, such as gender identity, a follower’s language, location, and the devices, platforms, and carriers these promotions should appear on.

2. Traffic and Conversion Campaigns

While it’s good to gain new followers, you’re likely on Twitter because you want to convert a regular visitor into loyal customers of either your merchandise or your content. This can be accomplished with a website clicks or conversion campaign, which leads clients directly to your website.


If you want to increase or get more followers on your Twitter account, increasing your brand exposure, and promoting your tweets to a relevant audience, then give Twitter Advertising a trial by signing up for access and keeping an eye out for your invite! Then use this guideline to help figure out the right advertising options for your brand among, Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts and Promoted Trends.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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