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5 Google Analytics Dashboards to Get Insights Like a Pro

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing Date :
Google Analytics Dashboards

Dashboards are fantastic for communicating data insights in a more powerful way. Every organization generates a huge amount of data every day from its operations. Given that data is generated in high volumes, it is essential to analyze it to generate crucial information that helps run the business in the right direction. 

Google Analytics dashboards help to convey data in a simple and clear format. The data helps business owners to understand customer behavior, content services, all points of interest, and the factors that drive them to your business. Besides, you can also evaluate insights about the amount of revenue collected from the business over a given period. 

The reality of the market is that there is a lot of hidden information that people need to understand about E-commerce Google Analytics dashboards. Let’s look at the different aspects of Google dashboards and data visualization that you need to know. 

What do you need to know about Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a popular cloud-based product courtesy of Google. This is a tool used to analyze and report all the aspects of website traffic and things to do with customer behavior. Google Analytics dashboards offer a comprehensive picture of things by providing features that integrate into different platforms. Websites in the 

It’s the best choice for companies that intend to have a detailed look into the ongoing activities within their businesses. Enhancing data visualization through Google Analytics enables business stakeholders to make sound decisions aligned in the right direction. 

Google Analytics automatically collects information across your business website, including the number of clicks, traffic, users, region, and many more. Also, it gives the freedom to understand customer behavior and offer them exactly what they need. According to research, more than 4 million websites in the US use Google Analytics.

Ecommerce Google Analytics dashboards can help you analyze competition across the industry to help you understand what your competitors are doing in business. This gives you a better glimpse of what needs to be done to sustain the competition across the industry. 

Many people experience challenges in creating Google Analytics dashboards that suit their needs. This is mainly caused by the fact that different types of dashboards address different concerns. Do you want to learn more? Stick to this article to the end. 

Best Google Analytics dashboards recommended by eCommerce experts

Creating a dashboard that perfectly aligns with your needs is a complicated task. To help you cut the process short, eCommerce experts have compiled the list below to help you analyze your data accurately. 

1. Digital marketing dashboard 

A digital marketing dashboard is a critical tool for digital marketers and business stakeholders in general. The dashboard offers in-depth insights into the performance of your business. It reveals things such as the number of visits, location, customer behavior, and bounce rate. The business stakeholders get an opportunity to learn more about the nature of the customers who visit the business. 

With digital marketing, you must ensure you play your cards right to target the right audience. How do you play your cards right? The only secret is to ensure that you have a good grasp of your market audience and the nature of your customers. This means that you need to understand the Geographic location of the visitors who enter your site. 

In addition, you need to understand the devices the visitors use to access your site. Remember that your site should be optimized well for both mobile and computer users. A digital marketing dashboard helps you evaluate the amount of time visitors spend on the website. 

A digital marketing dashboard also lets you visualize and analyze data to see which marketing channels are performing better and which need more effort. You can also identify the issues in your digital marketing strategy by using advanced charts like Pareto chart, survey charts, and Sankey chart.

The analytics dashboard also helps you to learn more about the number of returning customers and new visitors. When you note a hike in the number of repeat customers, you are assured that the products you offer are worth it and priced correctly

2. SEO dashboard

SEO dashboards are meant to evaluate SEO activities on your site. The dashboard gives you a better picture of all SEO activities, such as page views, goal completion, and search queries. The tool gives you a better picture of the keywords that increase traffic on your website. Alternatively, you get to know the poorly performing keywords helping you make reforms.

Analyzing your keyword performance makes it easier to learn about the changes you need to make to enhance performance. You can detect some of the most popular pages across your website and how they rank. In addition, you will be able to recognize the pages that exceed the bounce rate affecting your business performance. 

The SEO dashboard helps you learn about the landing pages that generate significant organic views. It also reflects on the examples of keywords that generate remarkable traffic to your business website. Using this information can help you reform your business website and secure a remarkable number of customers who can easily convert. 

3. Content marketing dashboard

Content marketing is a strategy used by many business owners across industries. The content marketing dashboard helps you evaluate your web content’s performance and efficiency. The dashboard uses different features, such as the conversion rate, web page views, and your business goals. 

The content marketing dashboard sheds light on your content marketing strategy and highlights any possible mistakes and the areas that need changes. It highlights some of the popular pages across your website. It also gives a better picture of the geographic location of your visitors as well as the average time that visitors spend on the website. 

By evaluating the number of pages that have attained your stipulated marketing goals, you learn new strategies that can help you streamline your operations. Content marketing dashboards identify the available portholes in your marketing strategy to help you streamline your operations. 

4. Social media dashboard

Social media dashboards are meant to evaluate both off-site and on-site social media activities. If you are using social media to diversify your business operations, you need to have better tracking of your operations. The dashboard offers a detailed picture of your business performance by evaluating different factors across your social networks. 

Some of the key factors include social media traffic, social source values, and traffic recorded from social sources. The dashboard highlights the percentage of website visitors that come from your social networks, such as Instagram, and Facebook among others. It highlights the social media channels that have attained their respective goals. 

You can also check on the social media sites that channel maximum traffic to your website. Once you get these insights, you can easily identify the social networks that work well for you by generating more conversions. 

5. Executive dashboard

The executive dashboard is responsible for helping business owners observe and track the acquisition process, customer behavior, and the outcomes generated from the website traffic. This dashboard works well for business stakeholders who intend to get an overall picture of the business performance. 

This tool does not only focus on the analytical aspect of the business but also the performance data you generate from your daily operations. Besides, the dashboard can help you analyze the time spent on the website. It also gives you a better picture of the loyal and unique customers that visit your site. 

The executive gives more information about your goal’s conversion rate. The dashboard goes overboard to help you understand the origin of your social media traffic, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and many more. 

Summing up

According to research, Google Analytics dashboards are used by 55.49% of websites across industries. The hike in the number of websites using this strategy is mainly triggered by the quality of services and feedback offered by Google Analytics. When running marketing campaigns, you need to have a better means of tracking all your activities. Also, you need to generate detailed reports depicting your business performance progress. 

Ecommerce experts have compiled a comprehensive list of incredible analytics dashboards to help you run your business in the right direction. Do you need an analytics dashboard that suits your business?  This article has covered everything you need to know to keep going! 

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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