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Facebook Marketing Tips – How to Grow Your Brand Using Facebook Page

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing,Social Media Glossary Date :

A social media platform is akin to a theater where artists come and perform in front of an audience and those who perform better reap greater rewards in the form of appreciation and applaud. In modern times, social media has replicated what the theater used to do. As the efficacy of social media marketing is taking shape and business owners are coming to grips with the benefits that a prominent social media presence can bring to the table, it is now becoming an important part of their online marketing strategies.

Due to all the hype that online marketing and social media efforts have created, today’s consumer has become extremely brand conscious. In order to satiate their thirst for the most up-to-the-minute updates, they need to interact with the brands they love frequently. Thankfully, Facebook pages exist, and this need can be met with instant gratification.

Through Facebook pages, businesses actively interact with their target market and engage them to keep the spark ignited. This connection is reflected in the form of escalating annual sales figures. The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer has proven that more than 60% American consumers prefer to contend with online brands with mesmerizing Facebook pages that they have liked themselves. This funnels down our conclusion to making a tenuous connection; one that not only draws the attention of your customers towards you but also engages them in a quick recall.

Let me now enlighten you on some strategies and tips that you should make use of to gain incremental benefits from your social media marketing strategy:

Which Strategy should you follow?

Ways in which businesses choose to interact with their target audience should be as unique as their identity. A Facebook page should be created keeping your target audience in mind along with any business goals that you are trying to achieve through your page.



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Normally, businesses aspire to fully immerse their customers, and not just make them like or share the posts that they share on their page. The idea is to break the ice and launch active discussions that encourage people to speak their hearts out, even if they have had an ill-starred experience with the brand. While doing so, the business owners receive insights on how can they make their business offerings lucrative for the target market.

Another key benefit of owning a page is to portray the opportunities that your product can create for your target audience. For instance, if you are a budding bakery owner, in addition to posting scrumptious photos of your creations to whet their appetite, do share some infallible and authentic recipes that can empower your audience to get their hands wet in baking. In a quest to achieve the ultimate perfection, they will start engaging with you more and follow you closely, which in turn will impinge your brand in their minds at all times. Thus your social media page will induce recall, working wonders in increasing sales.

Learn to Keep a Positive Outlook Intact

Flourishing Facebook pages tend to retain and attract a huge number of audience. However, nomatter how lucrative your offers are or how effective your product is, there will always be a few who will persistently retain a negative impression of you or anything that you post online.

Unfortunately, budding businesses often fall prey to such online atrocities. In order to circumvent such situations, create a clear code of conduct for your page/group and pin it to the top so that every member can see it and grasp the accepted code of conduct on your page/group. Make sure to maintain a positive tone throughout the message so that it doesn’t make it seem like a hostile ultimatum.



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Also, in the event of a negative review or feedback, remain calm and deal it with patiently. A lot oftimes, a customer posts a negative review as a result of an unaccepted behavior from the people who own the business or from any of their employees. This is often seen in eateries, where customers resort to posting negative reviews after going through a bad experience that did not leave them satisfied. An apology, in case they are right, goes a long way towards strengthening the business-customer relationship. On the other hand, if your business was right in its stance, there are ways to communicate the idea and clarify your position without offending the customer or patronizing them.

Take Help from the Analytics

Once your Facebook group bags 250 or more members, you will be allowed access to the group insights feature of the social network. This feature allows business owners to discover posts that are creating maximum engagement and create content along the same lines in the future to keep up the trend of rising engagement.

Induce Your Users to Post Content

One of the most prolific online marketing strategy is to induce your target market to share their content with you. This not only takes the load of generating interesting content away from your shoulders but also provides the leverage of pushing out the most creative content entries that you receive. You are only required to moderate the content for comments and reviews and with the use of analytics, you can also find out what kind of content is giving you the optimum benefit in terms of page likes and shares.



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Alternatively, you can also use your Facebook page as a place that generates customer insights. You are not required to create a targeted strategy for the cause, only administering the activities will allow you to gain the insight. And at the end of the day, Facebook pages are really easy to create as well, so why not take advantage, especially when their prowess is backed by so many researchers and results globally. In case you are having difficulties creating one, try contacting a social media pro or a digital marketing company to help you in this cause.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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