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Why Is Laravel So Popular?

by : deepak-chauhan Category : Technology,Website Date :
Why Is Laravel So Popular

Laravel is the most popular framework for PHP, which is one of the oldest and most popular web development languages. We’ll explain why in this article.

One of the most difficult components of the early phases of project development is selecting the correct framework for your application. Although general reasons for a development team to choose a framework include the cost of development, their familiarity with it, the framework’s popularity, and so on, there are various more things to consider, such as third-party integrations, deployment, testing, and so on.

Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Yii 2, Phalcon, CakePHP, Zend, Slim, and other frameworks for the PHP scripting language have robust technical capabilities. Despite this, Laravel continues to be the most popular PHP MVC framework.

Laravel is also one of the most popular GitHub repositories, with around 45000 stars (and counting).

So, what is the cause for its enormous popularity, and how does it address all of your web application’s requirements?

Let’s take a deep dive into what Laravel is and why it is still the most popular PHP framework today in this article.

#1. Authorization Technique

The security of the program itself is a fundamental restriction that every developer encounters while designing web apps. There are other approaches to solving this problem, and Laravel, being one of the most well-known frameworks, has its beautiful approach to handling authorization.

The Laravel authorization technique offers both flexibility and simplicity when it comes to handling authorization based on user needs.

With Laravel, you can quickly build a system for authentication techniques. Laravel also provides an easy way for you to organize authorization logic and control access to resources.

It also includes a simple technique for implementing ACLs. It also allows you to check permissions using a variety of methods, such as roles, traits, and methods. You may easily restrict access based on the user role or permission level of your application.

Authentication Services are included in Laravel, and some of them are:

Authentication Services Built-in to the Browser

Laravel’s core library includes several authentication and user management functions. This means you won’t have to add new dependencies or spend hours configuring third-party authentication systems because they’re already built-in.

You can use the Remember Me feature with a variety of user login providers, such as Facebook, Google, GitHub, and others. By automatically logging your users back into your app once they close their browser, you can save them time.

API Authentication Services

An API can be both internal and external, and it provides your program with a customizable interface to communicate with. Using third-party API resources like OAuth 2.0 or bespoke API credentials from specific platforms like Twitter or Facebook, you may construct an API service with Laravel.

RESTful APIs are perfect for developing apps that require a backend system and need to transfer data between client-side components since they can be constructed quickly while still providing a high level of intricacy in their implementation.

When developing mobile apps, API authentication has become critical; it allows users to sign in to your app using their existing login credentials (typically from social media), making it easier for them to switch between apps.

#2. Object-Oriented Libraries

Laravel is one of the top PHP frameworks due to its lack of pre-installed libraries and its Object-Oriented approach. One pre-installed library is the Authentication Library, which has many advanced features such as checking active users, Bcrypt hashing, password reset, CSRF protection, and encryption.

Laravel has some very useful Object-Oriented Libraries that are pre-installed. The authentication library is a very common one. It allows developers to create their own authentication, authorization, and user management system.

These libraries are created by a number of different developers who have put their time and effort into building them for Laravel. Some of these libraries include Authentication Library, Cache Library, Console Library, Database Library, Facade Library, HTTP Library, Mailer Library, Serialization Libraries, and Validation Library.

Laravel is an Object-Oriented framework that favors convention over configuration. This means that most of the time Laravel will provide pre-existing libraries (classes) for different needs. These pre-made libraries are always helpful in building web applications and making them more efficient.

#3. Artisan Console

Laravel’s Artisan command-line interface (CLI) is a tool that makes executing PHP commands from the command line much easier and less time-consuming. Instead of having to type in and execute a long, long list of PHP commands, you can just type in the artisan command followed by what you want to do. You’ll also notice that there is no need to import or require any files when using Laravel’s CLI. Laravel includes a command-line interface in the form of Artisan. Artisan is accessible by typing PHP artisan at the terminal and can provide many helpful commands that make your development process quick and easy. You can also create your own custom tasks that work inside of Laravel.

Laravel is a popular web application framework written in the PHP programming language. The Laravel framework comes equipped with an Artisan command-line interface, which provides helpful commands for working with your Laravel application.

Automating operations like building model classes, controllers, migrations, seeding data in database tables, and running unit tests, for example, is made easy by using artisan commands.

The following are the main features of Laravel Artisan:

  • Laravel Artisan is a framework for Laravel.
  • Laravel comes with a terminal wrapper for Artisan, which allows you to run your console commands directly from PHP, in addition to a selection of useful commands.

When trying to automate chores on your server, this is very beneficial; all you need is a simple shell script or installation.

Starting new projects that require artisanal workflows is also simple and painless with package auto-discovery enabled and a convenient bootstrap file in place.

PHP artisan server for Laravel

There are several options for running a localhost server in PHP. If you’re using a Mac or Linux operating system, you probably won’t need to utilize a program like XAMPP. Instead, simply install Apache on your system and call it a day.

When working on Windows, though, things are a little different. To create an environment on your local system that is identical to what others would view.

Custom Artisan Command in Laravel 5.7

Custom Commands give you the ability to create your commands with their own set of arguments, help text, and explanations. Commands must be in one of your project’s root directories and must follow a specified format.

The most straightforward way to get started is to create a new command in your app/Console/Kernel.php file.

#4. MVC Support

Another reason Laravel is the greatest PHP framework is that it offers MVC Architecture, which ensures that logic and presentation are separated. MVC improves efficiency, provides for better documentation, and comes with a variety of built-in features. This is how Laravel’s MVC works.

Laravel’s MVC architecture is useful because it allows developers to maintain better clarity in their code. It also helps improve efficiency by allowing developers to work simultaneously on the back end and front end of their code. The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern separates logic from presentation, which allows developers to work more effectively on projects with multiple members. This separation of logic and presentation also results in better documentation.

Laravel’s MVC pattern comes with several built-in features that make the framework robust and highly extensible. The main features include URL routing (routing requests to their appropriate controller), caching (maintaining a cache of database query results), authentication (verifying requestor identity), session handling (maintaining user data across requests), and localization (allowing text to be displayed in different languages).

In summary, Laravel is great because it utilizes the MVC Architecture for robustness, clarity, efficiency, and better documentation.

#5. Security

Everyone must utilize some other methods to make an application secure while developing it. Within its framework, Laravel looks after security. It employs salted and hashed passwords, ensuring that the password is never stored in plain text in the database. It generates an encrypted representation of a password using the Bcrypt hashing technique.

Injection attacks are impossible with Laravel since it uses prepared SQL statements. Laravel also provides a simple mechanism to escape user input to prevent user injection of the script> tag. Laravel has the following security features:

Securing the Database for the Application

Before we offer our application to users, we need to be proactive and implement database access rules. If a malevolent person can insert data into our database, they have the potential to cause significant harm.

We need to step up one layer and use Laravel’s query builder functions because Laravel’s Eloquent ORM doesn’t have any methods for safeguarding your table structures. It simply takes a few lines of code to protect your entire database from intruders, as you’ll see below.

Keeping Web Routes Safe

You must secure your routes in Laravel, like with most PHP frameworks. When working on a project, it’s easy to overlook this step, yet failing to do so poses a significant security risk. Fortunately, in Laravel, securing routes is a breeze.

Simply verify for a genuine user entering their username and password before sending them down your route (or at least sending them down that route if they aren’t signed in).

This strategy isn’t flawless, and it still requires some form of authentication mechanism, but it’s a good way to ensure that only people who are supposed to go down a certain path may do so.

Securing Controller and Middleware Actions

Laravel offers a set of middleware classes that help secure common action types like Logout, Registration, and Reset Password, as well as any actions defined in the Controller.

Middleware is a great spot to do one or more checks on user input, as well as reject or eject a malicious user. Here’s an example of a user being logged out and another being rejected only based on their name. It only takes two lines of code to use Laravels built-in LogoutMiddleware class!

Protecting Model Data

The model layer, which provides simple and expressive methods for accessing data from your database, is one of Laravel’s best features. You may use Eloquent models to fetch, update, and delete data from your application with just a few lines of code.

However, as with any powerful tool, if you aren’t familiar with all of Laravel’s features, you may run into issues. Accessible attributes, scopes, and mass assignment protection are among them. Attributes that are easily accessible You may have observed that when you access an attribute directly on a model instance—for example, $user-> the first name —it returns null.

Unless they are specifically included in an array provided by the AccessibleAttributes method, Laravel hides certain attributes by default.

You’ve just spent a long day working on a Laravel project, and you’re ready to call it a night. You’ve done some major changes to your database’s schema, and now you want to sync the database from your workstation to your laptop so you can continue work at home.

#6. Database Migration

Keeping the database in sync between development workstations is a source of frustration for engineers. It’s a breeze with Laravel database migrations. You may have made a lot of changes to the database after a long day’s work, and MySQL Workbench isn’t a wonderful way to sync databases between my development workstations, in our opinion. This is where Migrations come in.

You may quickly move the modifications to any other development computer you have if you keep all database work in migrations and seeds. Another reason why Laravel is the greatest PHP framework is because of this.

#7. Great Tutorials (Laracasts)

To deliver more, you or your developers need to learn more.

Unlike other frameworks (Codeigniter, Yii, CakePHP, and so on), Laravel provides Laracasts, which are a collection of free and paid video courses that teach you how to utilize Laravel.

JeffreyWay, an excellent and experienced instructor, created all of the videos. He appears to have his finger on the pulse of what’s important and gives clear straightforward directions. The production quality is excellent, and the lectures are well-planned and relevant.

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to invest in yourself as a programmer. You don’t need to spend months learning every little detail about Laravel; instead, learn some of the fundamentals that will make you more productive right away. This will allow you to complete projects more quickly with clean code rather than just getting it done as fast as possible with sloppy code that can lead to bugs and other issues later on.

In addition to tutorials from Jeffrey Way himself, Laracasts also features industry-leading guest speakers and many more top developers.

#8. Blade Templating Engine

Laravel Development Services encompass a range of offerings centered around Laravel, a PHP framework crafted by Taylor Otwell and his team of Laravel developers. One of its notable features is the Blade template engine.

It’s an essential tool for any developer, whether or not they use Laravel. It’s one of the most powerful PHP templating engines available, with a slew of capabilities to help you elevate your project from good to exceptional!

Laravel’s Blade templating engine is the best PHP framework.

if you’ve ever had to cut apart an if statement with HTML inside it. It’s practically effortless with a blade. This is how it works:

Mixing Blades

Laravel’s blade, unlike other templating engines that use preprocessors, does not require mixing. Because templates are compiled into PHP, There is no way for a mixin system to function because templates are compiled into PHP code.

Instead of using a mixin system, Laravel’s version of controllers provides an intuitive and simple approach to expand the behavior of your application without having to use third-party packages or discover how it works underneath the hood. As a result, the blade is a very powerful engine.

Structures of Control

The control structures enable you to present elements of your view conditionally based on content or data. Statements like if, else, and else, as well as switch statements, fall into this category.

To easily negate logic, control structures are usually linked with a ternary operator or an object method call.

Hashes and Arrays

These are really useful items provided by PHP to make your life easier. Both arrays and hashes employ the same dollar symbol, yet they serve two different purposes:

A hash is used to store data with only one value per key, whereas an array stores several values. Here’s an illustration of each: $example = [id => 1, value => 2]; $example = [id => 1, value => 2]; $example = [id => 1, value => 2]; Hashes begin with a dollar sign, whereas arrays begin with a pair of brackets; otherwise, they function identically.

#9. Responsable Interface

With Laravel’s release of 5.5 in August 2017, a new feature called Responsable Interface was added. The interface is implemented by the class and maybe retrieved using the control. After that, when preparing the response from “IlluminateRoutingRouter,” the router will look for an instance of Responsible.

Laravel is known as an elegant and expressive PHP framework, which always includes useful features to help developers build web applications without too much effort. But since Laravel 5.5, it has become even more responsive to developers’ needs with its new Responsible Interface feature that allows you to deal with both return and response headers in a unified way.

Laravel has been a popular framework to build web applications in PHP. It is also known for being a powerful and convenient programming language. One of the key features of Laravel is its ability to connect with third-party applications and software through a package system. By default, Laravel provides a number of packages that can assist developers in creating the best possible outcomes.

#10. Automatic Package Discovery

With the release of version 5.5, however, Laravel developers can install new packages without worrying about having to set up any aliases or providers. Automatic Package Discovery improves the installation process by automatically finding the packages that users want to install. This means that when installing new packages in Laravel, users no longer need to set up any aliases or providers. Developers can also disable this option for particular packages in Laravel 5.5.

#11. Multiple File System

Laravel includes support for cloud storage systems such as Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Storage, as well as local storage. Because the API for each system is the same, switching between different stores is quick and easy. If a developer’s application requires multiple file storage options, Laravel supports it with ease. One can use all three systems in one application to serve files from multiple locations like in a distributed environment.

For example, if a developer needs to store user avatars locally on their server while using Amazon S3 to store a larger collection of photos, Laravel can handle it without any problems.

Laravel’s native support for configuration management enables developers to store configuration settings for any given application on the file system or in the database. In fact, Laravel already comes with a configuration file named config/app.php where developers can place application-wide settings.

#12. Eloquent ORM

Laravel’s built-in ORM implementation is called Laravel’s Eloquent ORM. In comparison to other frameworks, Laravel features the best Object-Relational Mapper. This object-relational mapping allows you to use your models to interact with data and queries. It also provides a way of defining relationships between different tables in a database using a single line of code.

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM provides a beautiful, simple implementation for working with the database. Each database table has a corresponding Model which is used to interact with that table. Models allow you to query for data in your tables, as well as insert new records into the table.

#13. Task Scheduling

The Scheduler extension was added to Laravel’s core in version 5.0 and it’s now included in all new projects that use the framework as of version 5.1. While it is not strictly necessary to have a Cron Job installation on the server where your Laravel application will be hosted, it makes sense to set one up regardless, as it can be utilized by any application on the server.

The Scheduler offers a simple interface for configuring task scheduling and is compatible with any PHP framework that supports cron jobs. With the tool, the developer can set up scheduled tasks like “run this task in 1 minute,” or “run this task every 2 hours.” This feature is an improvement over having frequent code checks manually performed by the developer and frees them to focus on other important development tasks.

The Scheduler also enables developers to run long-running processes at predetermined times rather than immediately executing them when triggered—for example, it can be used for backups or for updating data regularly.

#14. Events and Broadcasting

Laravel is one of the most widely used PHP frameworks, which makes it the preferred choice for developers. Laravel has a lot of features that make it an ideal choice for building applications. One such feature is broadcasting, which is a concept that might seem confusing at first but will become clearer as you read on. Broadcasting allows you to share the same event name across the server and the client, allowing you to get real-time data from the app.

In simple terms, broadcasting is a method that allows event handlers in your application to be delivered to different devices at the same time. When an event occurs in your application, it can be broadcasted to other devices so that they are aware of what just happened. For example, when a new comment is posted in a discussion forum, all users can receive notifications about it instantly. In Laravel, there are two ways to broadcast events: through channels and with events.

A channel is basically a named pipe (or socket) over which messages can be sent between connected clients and servers. It allows you to route specific types of messages to specific handlers that were defined on the server-side. Events allow you to broadcast messages over HTTP or WebSockets for browser-based clients and non-browser based clients such as receiving

#15. Adequate App Testing Features

Laravel includes a collection of functions for using PHPUnit to run unit tests on your online and mobile applications. It created the phpunit.xml file automatically for unit testing in web development.

It performs tests on the Feature and Unit directories. Unit tests, for example, are for short coding sections. Feature tests are designed for bigger codebases that contain multiple objects.

Laravel can run many unit tests at once to ensure that all of your new changes are thoroughly tested. When it comes to testing your application, unit tests are preferable because they make app testing easier for developers. Laravel’s testing features, when utilized correctly, make your application bug-free and incredibly performant.

Due to its MVC architecture and unit testing features, Laravel is less expensive than competing PHP frameworks. These enable web developers to create commercial apps that are both scalable and cost-effective.

#16. Community & Support

A PHP framework is like a skeleton for building websites. It contains standard files that make it easier for programmers to develop web applications. Laravel speeds up the development process by providing common functionalities such as database migrations, routing, and caching, and allows developers to write code syntax that is simple and easy to understand.

Laravel is a PHP framework that has been used for the development of some of the best websites. It is loaded with a variety of features, including simple and fast routing, a powerful dependency injection container, multiple back-ends for session and cache storage, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar. Laravel also has a dedicated dependency manager that allows developers to declare the libraries on which their project depends and automatically manage them.

Laravel has a huge and active community of experienced developers that can provide important support when needed, thanks to its growing popularity and usage over the previous few decades. When a developer exposes bugs or security issues, the community is more likely to respond quickly, reducing delays and costs. Laravel also provides a number of ‘Laracasts’, which are screencast tutorials that educate and guide developers.

#17. Multilingual

The attribute of multilingualism has been associated with the spread of ideas and cultures since the beginning of time. The ability to speak multiple languages has always opened the door to new experiences and new opportunities. In the age of globalization, this is more true than ever.

A website can be more successful if it is multilingual. One of the biggest is that you can reach a larger market outside your own region. Laravel also has support for multiple languages, so you can create different versions of your content for different regions or even different languages. For example, if you have a website about cooking, and you want to increase your audience, you could translate it into Spanish. Not only will this enable you to reach more people, but it will also allow you to get more traffic from search engines since they will be able to understand what your site is about in their language.

What’s the Best Way to Get Started with Laravel?

The incredible features listed above are enough to convince you that it is the greatest PHP framework in 2022. To begin any web development project, however, you will require developers. Dedicated development teams are excellent if you have a long-term project in mind that demands focus from the start.

If you wish to make some minor changes or remodel your site, you may add co-developers to your existing PHP development teams. You must rely on a technological partner like VOCSO for all your development needs, regardless of the needs.

Wrapping Up

Why Laravel is so popular and what makes it such an attractive choice for developers and website owners alike? It has a powerful PHP framework for developers and deals with an impressive number of features to help make development easier and faster. Here are all the reasons why it can’t be beaten! Now you know some of the top reasons why it is used. Because of its great capabilities, the Laravel framework is becoming increasingly popular. In addition, Laravel offers substantial community assistance. Furthermore, whether organizations need to outsource web development or employ a Laravel developer, we at VOCSO are always available.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan I am a technology strategist at VOCSO with 20 years of experience in full-stack development. Specializing in Python, the MERN stack, Node.js, and Next.js, I architect scalable, high-performance applications and custom solutions. I excel at transforming ideas into innovative digital products that drive business success.

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