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Test These 6 Elements on Your landing Page to Optimize Conversion

by : deepak-chauhan Category : UX/UI Date :

Believe it or not! Landing pages are the Be-all and end-all of your website. They are the forerunners to decide what needs attention on your website and what does not and how much attention it deserves to have.

Your one blunder online can bore or confuse the online visitor and there goes your most potential client to the competitor whom you have always envied.

All it takes is making sure that the Test Landing Pages is doing its job well. Testing gives you wings to know what is going to work wonders for you and what is not. Therefore, you need to know the visitors’ mind what they would long to see on your website and what they would love to see. The customer satisfaction and the customer delight would come hand in hand.

We talk of A/B testing. It is something like having 2 pages against each other which belong to the same breed. You take one page and keep it as your original landing page. Change any element in the same. Then what you do, is run these 2 pages against each other-the one which was the original and the other which you derived. You are able to do this by keeping both the pages live while at the same time playing the trick of diverting the traffic, equally to each page. The objective behind this task is to find out the elements that are going to bring a higher amount of traffic to the pages. And of course, there are tools available for the same. A/B testing gives you the power to Test the Landing pages using WishPond.

So, by now you would know that this testing is not a rocket Science. Test the Landing pages is totally simple. There are elements that you need to determine in order to make your conversions soar. So, keep changing the elements, test them and when you know the elements that are giving a good result, repeat them. The following are the 6 elements that you must use to get the desired result.

1. Testing the used images

There are ways to find out if you have used the correct image. In case, you haven’t used the correct one, there are chances that the incorrect image used can easily distract from your Call-to-action. So, just keep simple things in mind when choosing the image and testing it.

Know the basic quality of all of us- need to be social animals. We tend to show attention towards what other humans are doing and accordingly tend to imitate or not imitate. This means you can easily grab the attention of the visitor online by making him focus on the representation feature which is an imitation of his or her life. Thus he would be attracted to it. So, imagine you are using the representation to look straight into the eyes of the visitor; the visitor is most likely to stare at his face. Use empathy of the visitor as a tool.

However, when you tend to use the representation, let’s say of a man who is looking sideways towards a content, it would draw the attention towards the content. Therefore, no matter what image you use on your landing page, it should be capable enough to make the visitors respond to your CTA. You need to take care of the monotony though, by using different images on the representation or by using a single person or a group of people.

2. Measure the copy length

Copy, here basically means what kind of content you are using on the landing page. It will decide the success or failure of your website since it will make the buyer buy or leave your product or service. So, an optimum length of the copy should be decided. Not too long, not too short. Just the right balance is what is needed.

If you use too much of it, you are most likely to make your visitor run away. Make it crisp, but not that short as well. The visitor might just take it for a spam otherwise.

You need to make it clear whether you are putting the idea across well of what kind of product or the service you are trying to market. So, when you know words can fail at times, use an image or a video. They are more appealing. If you want to use the words, try Pop ups for it will keep him on the page. Try to entice him with your product’s USP so that he knows what he has when he prefers you over your competitors. Highlight the benefits and how exactly your product would help him.

3. Pop your best Pop Ups out

The Pop Up is a kind of a box that prompts the user to give the required information without making him navigate from his present page. The visitor has to complete an action either by clicking the prompt box or by signing in. Entry, click, exit, timed and scroll are the 5 different types of pop ups that you can use. You can use 1 or 2 at a time, which is like the optimum that is needed.

4. Catchy headline

These are one thing that make or break your business. So, try to make them as enticing as they can be so that you are able to grab the visitor’s eye balls. Some of the best ways are to use them in question form, mention a benefit, tell them what they would miss if they do not go for your product, show a catchy price, use word recall like, shop, free, book now etc.

5. Time to take your CTA call

Landing pages are focused on call-to-action because that is what attracts the audience. The visitor might think of it as the last option they would want to do, but ensure they are attracted towards it at first. Here are some of the things that you can do:-

•    Inform them what would happen when they press the button.
•    Try to use the word “my” in the deal since it tends to personalize the transaction. Eg pick my cart.
•    Put it in the form of a question since it will increase the participation of the visitor.
•    Test the color and size well.

6. Testimonials

Let the people say about your product and service well, so as to make the audience sure that your deal is a genuine one. Use numbers and email Ids to quote and make sure the testimonials are written informally and have a personal tone. Testimonials are something that will add the trust value of your product in the eyes of the visitor. So, try to add pictures and videos to personalize your page

Vary the number of testimonials on each landing page. This will make them seem more genuine. Try to keep them crisp but at the same time informative. Use good quality photos and videos. They carry a huge impact.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan I am a technology strategist at VOCSO with 20 years of experience in full-stack development. Specializing in Python, the MERN stack, Node.js, and Next.js, I architect scalable, high-performance applications and custom solutions. I excel at transforming ideas into innovative digital products that drive business success.

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