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SEO Glossary

Learn all of the search engine optimization (SEO) terms, and buzzwords with the ultimate SEO glossary from VOCSO.


Black hat Crawling

Crawling is a discovery process in which search engines send a group of robots (known as crawlers or spiders) to find new and exciting content. The content can be different – it can be a website, image, video, PDF, etc. – but whatever the format, the content can be found using links.

Broken Link

Broken Links are those links that are no longer working. Broken links are a common issue in the internet world. They can happen for many different reasons, such as mistyping an URL or when websites change their address and therefore you get directed to another page that doesn’t exist anymore!

Client retention rate

Your customer retention rate is the percentage of existing customers who remain active after a given period. This can help you better understand what keeps your clientele around, and also signal opportunities for improvement in service delivery to make sure that people stay loyal longer.


Cloaking is a search engine optimization technique used to send different content to human and search engines. It’s a black-hat SEO technique used by websites to deceive search engines in ranking a web page higher than would otherwise rank lower or not rank at all. In this technique, different content is delivered based on the IP Address or the User-Agent HTTP header of the web browser requesting the page.

This technique is also used to trick search engine users to visit pornographic or spammy web pages cloaked by non-pornographic search engine results.

Cloaking can also be a functional technique in cases of content that’s not locatable, such as non-textual media embedded in video or adobe flash objects. Using cloaking it is possible to inform search engines about the content in these media formats, however, this technique is not required anymore for regular SEO practices.

Content Pruning

The process of content pruning involves removing low-performing, obsolete material from your website’s archives. This is the stuff that has no purpose or value now – so it would be better to cut off its unhealthy growth than let these pages sit stagnant online for years on end!

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are three metrics that evaluate user experience when loading a site. These metrics measure how fast a page’s content loads, how quickly a browser loads a webpage that can respond to user input, and how unstable the content is when it loads in a browser.

Crawl Budget

The crawl budget is the number of pages that Google crawls to your site each day. This amount is small on a daily basis but overall is relatively solid. Google can crawl 6 pages of your site per day, it can crawl 5,000 pages, it can crawl 4,000,000 pages per day.


De-indexed from the index or any indexing system, in particular, to stop the adjustment of compensation according to the cost of living.

Disavowing Backlinks

The process of disavowing means to get rid or discard harmful links pointing at your website. If you believe that ranking is being damaged by low-quality backlinking, then it’s possible for an SEO specialist to ask Google not to take those links into account when assessing the health and quality of our sites because they’re considered “not relevant.”


E-A-T is a set of standards that Google has put in place for ensuring the quality experience you have when using their services. It focuses on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness from all parties involved.EAT also takes into account how well each party communicates with one another so your search results can be as accurate and helpful as possible.

Featured snippets

Selected snippets are selected search results that appear above the basic Google results below the ads in the box. The selected snippets are intended for an immediate answer to the user’s question (hence their other known name, “answer field”). The feature means gaining more market position in search results.

Google Core Updates

The Google core is updated when Google makes significant and complex changes to its search engine algorithm and systems. The goal of these updates is to improve users’ search, to provide more relevant, useful, and reliable content.

Google Discover

With Discover, you can receive updates on your interests, such as your favorite sports team or news site, without having to search. You can choose the types of updates you want to see in Discover in Google or when browsing the web on your phone.

Google My Business listing

A Google Business Profile is a free business listing on Google. It allows you to provide details and photos of your business, including your location, services and products. Creating this free profile is a great way to increase your visibility on Google.


Google Penalties

Google’s fine is a fine imposed on a website whose content conflicts with Google’s marketing methods. This penalty may be due to an update to Google’s ranking algorithm or a manual check that indicates that the website is using “black hat” tactics.

Image carousels

An image carousel is a container (slideshow) of images or information that users can select by clicking a button that shows them forward or backward in the presentation. The image carousel makes the site interactive by improving the user experience.

Image Optimization

When it comes to image optimization, the most important thing is delivering high-quality images in a format that can be quickly loaded. This will ensure an optimal user experience and meet your website’s expectations of speed for viewers who are trying on-site or scrolling through pages without any delays in loading time

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a marketing methodology designed to attract visitors and prospective buyers towards a brand rather than pushing outwards for the purpose of lead generation. It uses a combination of various digital marketing channels such as SEO, content marketing, social media in creative way to increase reach and pull traffic in the hopes of finally converting.

Inbound marketing methodology differentiates itself in a way that it uses content to educate/inform the prospects rather than pushing sales. This way it presents the brand as a reliable resource and create the pathway for future purchase.

Inbound marketing is a term coined by the provider of inbound marketing software.

Internal Linking

Internal links are a great way to allow users access from one section of your website or application to another. They can help them seamlessly navigate through different pages in an easy and quick manner, which will increase their engagement with the site!

Javascript SEO

JavaScript SEO is a crucial part of technical optimization that’s focused on maximizing the visibility of your website by search engines. It usually entails editing content injected through JavaScript, making sure it can be crawled and rendered as well as indexed properly – all without breaking user experience or site functionality.

What is keyword?

A keyword is a seo term searched by user to find the relevant content pages. Sometime it is also termed as Search Query. A keyword can be a word or, more often a set of words.

Keywords with one or two words known as short-tail keywords while keywords with three or more words are considered as long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are by far the best and easiest to get the best results in search engines.

Keywords are highly valuable and important because keywords combine information between the content of websites and what people search for in search engines. By using relevant keywords in the websites, the need of the users is met, the website ranks high on the search engine, and it drives organic traffic.

Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when you have too many of the same or identical keywords in your site’s content. As a result, a search engine like Google doesn’t know what to do with higher rankings. This means that it will sometimes give you a higher web position that you did not intend to prioritize.

Keyword Mapping

Keyword mapping is the process of associating target keywords with their landing pages. The main advantages of keyword mapping are: Well-known internal linking strategy. Easily measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. More attractive reports.

Keyword Mapping

URL mapping is the process of assigning keywords to different pages within your website. It’s a critical part of on-page SEO because it helps search engines understand page relevance for their algorithms, which can then rank you higher during searches with specific intent or topic words- giving an organic boost not only from site traffic but also monetization opportunities.

What is Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a Black Hat SEO practice to artificially increase the search ranking of a website where a certain keyword is repeated again and again on the same page in order to misguide search engine spiders that the content is relevant to this keyword. Major search engines penalize or banned websites either temporarily or permanently period of time for keyword stuffing.

Due to more Keyword stuffing major search engines have stopped factoring in Meta Tags. This is the reason Google introduces the Penguin algorithm (which is updated from time to time by Google developers) to identify and punish websites that use Keyword stuffing.

Keywords Research

Keyword research is a process used by search engine optimization experts to find and research search terms entered by search engine users when searching for products, services, or general information. Keywords are related to queries that search engine users ask.


Search engine optimization (SEO) KPIs are values ​​that marketing teams use to measure the performance of their websites for organic search results. … This analysis will help you identify the best pages, the best converting keywords, and the parts of your site that need to be optimized for search.

What Is Google Link Schemes?

Link schemes are the art of creating links for a website by the webmasters mistakenly and intentionally that is highly against the Google Webmaster quality guidelines. Inside the link schemes, Google has added all the link building activities which a person does to manipulate Google page rank and get high rank for certain keywords at the top of the Google organic search results. Most of the newbies in the SEO word assume only inbound link constitutes to Link schemes, however, it’s equally a bad practice to add both inbound and outbound links in an unnatural way.

Ignoring such links which come under the link scheme can badly damage your website ranking on Google. There are many link building activities that indicate or tell Google that a particular link is the part of a link scheme. Let’s see some bad practices of links generating to a website that Google strongly count under the links schemes;

1) Exchanging links for your services or products pages

2) Buying and selling links for money to pass on page rank

3) Excessive links building for an exact match keyword

4) Using a large number of keyword-rich anchor text links in your articles and guest posts

There are several other ways when Google realizes your links as part of link schemes.

If you think that the way you’re building links to your website does not fulfill the Google quality guidelines then go to your search console link reportimmediately and remove them fast.

Have you found links that are not adhering to the quality guidelines? Don’t wait until something bad happens. The best time to remove and disavow such links before getting bad impact by Google.

Now is the time to completely avoid creating links that can negatively impact your website and lose you a lot of money as well. The only way to get your website found on Google is by providing a good experience to the users and search engines. Are you ready to build links to your new startup website, then make sure you know the guidelines of SEO whitehat and black hat to run your link building process?

Recommended blog on White Hat And Black Hat SEO

I hope this short information on Google Link Schemes will help you to understand and aware of some bad tactics of links.

Mobile Optimization

Updating your website to offer an optimal and engaging experience for users who are visiting the site from their mobile devices is called “mobile optimization.” With this, you can create better content that will provide amazing experiences across channels – including both desktop computers as well as smartphones/tablets.

Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO aims to optimize search engine websites that are accompanied by unnecessary browsing on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets that enhance the user experience. Mobile SEO makes it easy for visitors to navigate your site on your smartphone or tablet.

Mobile-first indexing

Mobile first indexing means that Google typically uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. Historically, the index primarily uses the desktop version of the content on a page when examining the relevance of the page to a user’s query.

Negative SEO

Negative SEO is more than any insidious practice aimed at sabotaging a search position on a competing website. This is often considered “black hat SEO” because of its ugliness.

Outreach for Link Building

Outreach SEO involves creating valuable links from off-site websites to backlinks to the client’s site. This is an important part of online advertising and if not done properly, the reach of SEO can hinder the success of a company’s SEO strategy. Backlinks can help improve a company’s organic rankings.


Robots.txt is a way for site owners to tell search engines which pages on their website visitors should be able to access without interference and it’s mainly used so that you don’t overload your server with requests.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of getting traffic from free, organic, or natural search results in search engines. It aims to improve your website’s position by increasing visibility on those pages through SEO tactics such as keyword research and content optimization for higher ranking traits within Google’s algorithm.

Search Intent

What is the purpose of the search? Search (also called user intent) is the primary purpose of a user when searching for a query in a search engine. Users often search for a specific type of answer or source when searching.

Voice Search

Voice activation is a type of technology that allows users to speak into the device (usually a smartphone) and get answers or conduct searches online. Convenient and fast way to find what you’re looking for on the internet, without having to scroll through endless pages. advances in speech recognition have made it possible for users everywhere to speak their searches out loud.

Web Speed Optimization

Web speed is the download and display of a web page on your browser. Web speed optimization, or simply “optimization” for short refers to knowledge about increasing this performance which can further offer an improved user experience for visitors.

XML Sitemaps Optimization

XML Sitemap Optimization can lead to faster indexing and higher rankings. If your site is optimized for SEO, one of your goals is to give Google the right signals so that your site can be better indexed. An optimized XML site map is one of the signals that can lead to faster indexing and higher rankings.

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